Judge quits because of the horrific, continued testimonials of the little girls and teenagers, raped, debased, violated, tortured, humiliated by these vile gangs. Huge problem in the UK. Judiciary quitting en masse due to horrific nature of caseload, gangs. PRAY.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
How about, instead of getting sad and quitting, they get fucking angry and start barbecuing these demons? If the law fails people will take it into their own hands, that'd be a breakdown in society. Maybe that is the point.
The whole point of the justice system is to prevent vigilante justice. So people feel there is a fair and impartial system in place to ensure that when real harm is done to people… I mean real harm, not misgendering some mental case or catching someone with some pot for their personal use, real harm like in these cases, that people don’t take the law into their own hands and start killing each other. That leads to chaos and lots of collateral damage. However, they appear to have forgotten the purpose of the legal system and now it’s just another tool to further their fuckwit policies of destroying our civilization.
Sorry, when I said " Maybe that is the point " I meant maybe the breakdown of society was (real) the reason they were quitting. If everyone directly responsible for these criminals being punished simply quits, it's not like the system will find them guilty. It's possibly even a black-hat delaying tactic. I wasn't speaking about the corruption of the system in whole but of the people involved in this particular case. But you do bring up many valid, related points about the system.