posted ago by ParlerPatriot ago by ParlerPatriot +38 / -1

If there’s anything all of us should be willing to admit, Vivek has been one of the most poised, articulate, substantive political candidates we’ve seen in a while, some of us perhaps in our young lifetimes. He immediately endorsed Trump upon exiting the race. Could you imagine if the MSM had to face this guy on a daily basis??? It would also give him a major stage to position himself for future presidential runs. Sure, he’s not a feisty hot blonde, but I feel Vivek would make an incredibly strong press secretary. Would love to see a return to substantive journalism, and he could help enforce that by calling out the idiots in the press each day, plus would be fun to watch all the quips, burns, memes, etc. Just a random morning bud and coffee thought. Cheers frens!