For those unfamiliar, Kim Clement was a prophet that predicted Trump becoming POTUS, along with his two impeachments, the time of two presidents (going on now) and other things. A great video to see some of his predictions and some worthwhile commentary on it is Trey Smith’s - Prophecy of the Two Presidents. It does get into some biblical references, but even if you skip those, the predictions that are happening now are very interesting.
Anyway, now that you are caught up, here is a clip of his prophecies that I’m going to reference.
That part I’m referencing in this is his discussion of a different time coming for each of the seasons. God says he will expose things in the Spring, there will be a “strange July, strange July”, many falling in fall, hypnotic November, and a happy winter. There does not appear to be any years in the past that fit the predictions, so it definitely appears to be applying to this coming year. I’ve wondered what was meant by “strange July, strange July”. He already mentioned something with the temperatures, so I don’t think it is weather related. He mentioned impeach twice, meaning two events. So I think we have two events in July also. So what is big enough to warrant two specific notations in a prophecy? I believe it is going to tie into some things that some of us are anticipating this year.
Generally, a Presidential nominee announces their selection for VP around July. The strangest thing I can think of? What if JFK Jr comes out of hiding? What if Trump announces he is the Vice Presidential pick? (To save you the time, we are all aware of post 2611, that says JFK Jr is not alive. And we are all aware of posts 97, 128, 158, etc that says Disinformation is necessary. Let’s set that aside, this is just a Theory.)
Since we are going for strange, it could be that is when Dem nominee Joe Biden steps down and the Dem National Committee makes their own appointment to replace him with Michelle “Big Mike” Obama. Which I believe would be unprecedented and unique, but not quite strange. Not only does she become the nominee, but I think Michelle comes out as a dude. THAT would be strange!
These are exciting times! I think we will start seeing real movement (even more than we see now) come Spring! What do you see coming?
Kim Clement died shortly after Trump was elected in 2016. But long before Trump had even announced he was running, Kim Clement described the next president.
“The enemy will do everything in his power to put a witch in the White House…. But, it SHALL NOT HAPPEN.”
He would be a man who was quietly praying, but would be filled with Holy Spirit while in office and would eventually be an outspoken Christian. He would be in power for two terms. He would be someone who helped protect New York long ago and would be chosen to protect the nation. He would build walls of protection and strengthen the economy.
“Two in the Supreme Court will step down”
“This man will throttle the enemies of Israel. This man will throttle the enemies of the West.”
“There are highly embarrassing moments that are about to occur for many politicians…. There will be a shaking amongst the Democrats.”
“IMPEACH! IMPEACH! they will say…. but nay…. it shall not happen.”
“There shall be no more corruption in the White House…. the most unusual thing, a transfiguration…. the news media…. will have no choice but to say what I want them to say…. I will raise up the Trump to become a trumpet….”
Mark Taylor had similar prophecies about Trump’s presidency many years ago:
Another article on the 2018 movie: The Trump Prophecy says:
“Barack Obama will be charged with treason and Trump will authorize the arrest of “thousands of corrupt officials, many of whom are part of a massive satanic paedophile ring”. Trump will also force the release of cures for cancer and Alzheimer’s that are currently being withheld by the pharmaceutical industry.”
How much can we believe? Is Trump really God’s choice to revive America? Time will tell for certain, but many prophets claim he is the chosen one.
What do you believe?
Trump going on his 3rd term
They impeached him multiple times right?
Of course, but everyone in power for three or more terms has been in power for two terms. It's like if you have three dollars, you obviously have two dollars too.
No. Those didn't happen, and were fake/illegal impeachments
They were fake, but he was impeached.