THE GREAT AMNESTY: GAW has the best mod team on the WINs! But we're not perfect (and nobody knows that better than CatsFive)! Want to come back and contribute? Lift? Dig? Research? And make high-effort, high-quality POSTS? Drop us a modmail, say why you were banned, promise to be good, and L.F.G.!!!
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!

Ah I remember my ban all those years ago for getting flustered about the Prayer thread. Haha good times. Keep up the good work mod team. Love you all
That sounds like an interesting story. How did getting flustered on a prayer thread get you banned?
The very first prayer thread here on .win got stickied for a couple hours. I thought it should have been an all day sticky and that the mods had agreed to that. So I began a rebellion against them to make it an all day sticky. I was totally in the wrong and God has since shown me a greatee picture of what's at play here on .win and why things are the way they are and why the mods are the way they are :)
Lol good times 🤣😂