Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution states, “The United States shall … protect each [state] against Invasion.” Biden has not just failed in that duty miserably — he chose not to honor that duty.
In such cases, the Constitution allows states to use force, up to and including war, to repel invasions.
Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution states, “The United States shall … protect each [state] against Invasion.” Biden has not just failed in that duty miserably — he chose not to honor that duty.
In such cases, the Constitution allows states to use force, up to and including war, to repel invasions.
90% of the people crossing the border are military age men.
And it they are refugees, why are the skipping 16 countries for refuge to get to America? They're suppose to stop at the first country that is safe.
And explain to me what they're running from? They're aren't any wars or crisis in SA.