The tool shall be able to gather information from the following mandatory online and social media data sources: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Deep/Dark Web, VK, and Telegram,” the bureau said. It added that the ability to search Snapchat, TikTok. Reddit, 8Kun, Gab, Parler,, Weibo, Discord. and “additional fringe platforms, and other encrypted messaging platforms,” would be a bonus.
In procurement documents, the FBI said information collected from online sources through the tool should be retained in the vendor’s systems before being exported to the bureau, and that the system should be able to continuously monitor sources.
The tool shall be able to gather information from the following mandatory online and social media data sources: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Deep/Dark Web, VK, and Telegram,” the bureau said. It added that the ability to search Snapchat, TikTok. Reddit, 8Kun, Gab, Parler,, Weibo, Discord. and “additional fringe platforms, and other encrypted messaging platforms,” would be a bonus.
In procurement documents, the FBI said information collected from online sources through the tool should be retained in the vendor’s systems before being exported to the bureau, and that the system should be able to continuously monitor sources.
Is GAW a fringe platform? Are we encrypted Mods? Asking for frens.