Went in for a teeth cleaning, because I never had it professionally done. Didn't see a need to go to the dentist and take fluoride and be a submissive little sheep. My teeth needed help with some plaque buildup, so i sought help with the dental hygienist. I was told that there wasn't fluoride in the abrasive paste they used to polish my teeth. I have healthy teeth for the most part. Just have a hard time fully getting them cleaned because i have excessive wisdom teeth and my jaw is small. I got the lecture when they said i had cavities, but when i looked at the Xrays, i knew it was minor and not as bad as the last dentist said. I just needed surgery months ago, but i was still pregnant when i needed the teeth pulled, so had to put it off and the surface level cavities. They did the cleaning and then lectured me on the not going to the dentist enough and needing to brush my teeth with fluoride la da da da da. But since then, a week later, my mouth feels sensitive, and im in a lot of pain. Its like the cleaning caused the problem, not my waterpik and DIY home cleaning of my teeth. What happened to me? I feel I have made a mistake
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Get into chewing xylitol gum every day. It is a natural sugar that mouth bacteria like to eat but cannot use as energy so they die. My teeth have gone from bad stains on certain teeth to much better over a couple of years. I think in another year or two they will be perfect. It can heal cavities too they say by creating an environment that allows the calcium present in saliva to remineralize the teeth. I get a pack of PUR gum with two mg of xylitol in each gum and chew two at a time about twice a day.
Might want to add Vitamin K2, it tells the body where to distribute calcium (to bones and teeth and where it's needed. Link to previous GAW post from a year ago - Eye-Opening Vitamin K2 Lecture! (www.bitchute.com) 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
We add a couple drops of Fennel Sweet Oil on the toothbrush every time we brush and it leaves your teeth slick/smooth like you've just had them cleaned! Found that as part of a fungal cleanse a while back and just continued.
Thanks!! Very helpful