I wonder if there was anything other than the territorial information he was talking about, in the folder. It was rather ceremoniously presented, don’t you think? Files on the election? Killary’ s e-mails?
Also, wouldn’t it be cool if this interview was actually one of two, and number two airs without fan fair, so the MSM/DS couldn’t retaliate?
Just thoughts.
I think Putin is testing Tucker. He called out Tucker as one who wanted to join the CIA right off the bat. He gives Tucker a folder loaded with the "history" of Russia so he said BUT if there is other information and PROOF in there, maybe Putin is seeing if Tucker will bury it or report on it. Time will tell, until then, Tucker will be suspect in my book. I am not claiming he is CIA but why would Putin put that out there? I don't know any more today than I did before the interview.
I think Tucker wanted to join the CIA but was deemed to not have the goods for the agency. I think Putin was letting Tucker know—“I know you.” In a KGB kind of way. Putin also said he was glad Tucker didn’t get a job with the CIA, and I took that to mean he recognized Carlson is doing good work at exposing the matrix.
Maybe so but I don't see the importance of bringing it up if Putin thought he was a White Hat. Just casts doubts in my mind.
I think Putin brought it up as a subtle way of saying - I know a lot more than you'd think I know........ IE I know you were looking into CIA years ago.....
Did you see the movie Clear and Present Danger? When the president gets advice to give out the information about the dead man being his "life long friend", so it wouldn't give the press anywhere to go. Maybe this was their way of getting the info out there so the media couldn't use it against Tucker later. Just a theory, not saying this is why Putin mentioned it.
Who knows. One thing for sure, we will find out who the good and bad guys are by November!