What is CrowdStrike and why is it part of the Trump whistleblower complaint?
The cybersecurity company CrowdStrike, which has been at the center of false conspiracy theories since 2016, is once again in focus after a White House transcript published on Wednesday revealed President Donald Trump brought it up in his July call with Uk...
Just a reminder about our buddies Crowdstrike. Not to be forgotten that the FBI never analyzed the servers, outsourcing the “forensics” to Crowdstrike. Interesting to look bad and see all the lies in the article. Now they’re big shots with a Super Bowl commercial.
Crowdstrike will say/do what ever you pay them to say/do with regard to "cyber security". I've long suspected their software is cover for backdoors into the many Fortune 1000 and beyond customers who have this deployed.
You cant delete anything digital unless you take out the internet and any offline storage. The day is coming.
🤡 strike please! This company is the Theranos of cybersecurity. Their CEO, under oath in a senate hearing admitted they had no evidence that the DNC's emails were hacked by Russia. His name was Seth...
Disgusting. Their owners should have been tried and jailed/executed for literal treason years ago. Fucking worse-that-useless, commie adjacent "republicans" allowed them go unpunished.