The longer they have to keep the Climate Change Hoax going, it becomes exponentially more expensive in both time, effort and money. The Globalist agenda appears to be running out of steam, as JP Morgan and BlackRock just announced the are now pulling out of the UN climate Alliance.
🏆 - WINNING - 🏆
On a related note, the entire EV market is collapsing. What was once a market full of year+ waiting lists, is now crushing excess inventory.
Rivman loses $30,000 per truck sold on labor and material alone. You have to add on factory, administrative, and corporate overhead on top of that yet.
Car rental companies are selling off their EV fleets and canceling contracts for future purchases.
Volvo has backed out of Polestar.
Ford, GM, Toyota, and others have all pulled back significantly on EV production and forecasts.
Tesla keeps lowering their prices to keep sales up. As the ONLY profitable EV manufacture, they will soon have to choose between losing money in each sale or accept slowing sales.
EV charging stations lose money massively even as their prices creep up to more than gas equivalent prices.
Insurance costs are through the roof, as any minor damage to the battery, such as running over minor road debris, totals the car. Or worse, if they happen to catch fire, they not only are guaranteed to be a complete loss, but they will take out anything near by.
Li-ion battery powered cars was always going to be a failure.
Tesla makes most of its money off of bogus, inflated carbon "offsets". Not a sustainable manufacturing business.