President Trump recently referred to CA Gov Newsom as "Newscum". CA patriots have long referred to him as such, but with edicts he's pushed into law, in 2024 he is merely "Governor Scum".
Governor 'Scum is the one who led the way for politicians to make it illegal to refer to illegal aliens as illegal aliens. CA was the first state to do so in 2015. (In 2014 there were nearly 3 million illegal aliens in CA). Today we have the mutant parading as President in the WH giving a SOTU address referring to specific rapists and murderers as illegals...and then APOLOGIZING for calling rapists and murderers illegal.
Most recent 'Scum laws: SB 673 establishes priority of certain ethnic groups over others which according to the 14th amendment is unconstitutional. SB 969 Practically eliminates hand counts in elections in favor of Dominion.
This eye-opening article exposes 'Scum as the paid water-boy for San Franscisco's elite. "How eight elite San Francisco families funded Gavin Newsom’s political ascent"
So ask yourselves: Why would the elite of SF, actually CA, continue to fund Gov. Scum to hasten the destruction of what was once a flourishing wealthy American city, and turn it into the illegal alien ghetto hellhole it is today? Not to mention the hundreds of illegal alien gang no-go zones all over urban and rural CA.
Actually, why did all of CA become the first illegal alien hell-hole of the nation? (We know NY followed suit quickly since the plandemic, and it pays to note that Blackrock is headquartered at 50 Hudson Yard in NYC.)
The answers may lie in the fact the Bohemian Grove (America's pedophile Davos) is a hop skip and jump away from 'Scum's wealthy Napa donors, the Church of Satan (Anton Lavey) is based in SF, the Soros family makes Northern CA their home, and the terror financiers of 9/11 started their illegal land grabs in wealthy wine country, where FBI director Mueller was their water-boy as US A in Sacramento, corrupting CA DOJ in favor of these uber-terrorists.And don't get me started on LA/Hollywood and San Diego wrt. 9/11 terrorist activity.
Now I know it would be handy to have references to back up the facts just cited, but proof is out there, proven over the decades ... at the time we were appalled over, and now forgotten of where this disease destroying our country started. Or the pattern.
We all know the saying "Where CA goes, so does the rest of America." Almost every state in the union has now been terminally infected... Michigan certainly leads now when it comes to anti-American elements in the highest levels of Fed government.
But the plan to prototype the destruction/dvolution seems to come from CA's elite.
So the battle to regain the Republic, in fact, should begin in CA. This is where some of the bravest and most outspoken and active patriots are needed. Those that are already here are the front line.
Just remember that when wishing CA would just fall into the sea.We pray the 'Scum's of CA would do just that.
PS This post is for Laken Riley. I've been silent too long. That Venuzuelan gang-banger illegal alien is in this country, and committed that heinous act on behalf of the MB leader in the US, Obama, who is running the Oval to this day.
They want the land for themselves. By turning it into a shithole, it makes landowners want to leave, it drops property values, makes it easier for them to buy. CA is one of the most beautiful states and most profitable. They want these areas for themselves. Once they get what they want, they will use their newly imported slaves to do their dirty work, and will get rid of the rest. IMO
Yep , best to scoop it up during an economic/monetary collapse to boot.
Did somebody scream incoming yet ?