The problem is that people always cash out. They cash out when they think it won't go higher, and then the first rats to flee the ship cash out as soon as it begins listing, and leave everyone else holding the bag. The company had $58 million in expenses against $4 million in revenues. $4 million is a tiny bit more than the average McDonald's restaurant takes in annually. But the average McDonalds store isn't spending $58 million just to keep the lights on and the Fryolators bubbling. I get wanting to be on the team, but the valuation is so totally out of whack with reality that there must be better ways to show support. If DJT gets permission to sell his shares prior to 6 months all the shares bought by retail investors will be nothing but charitable donations, except they won't be tax deductible.
The company has zero debt. Many companies have losses in the first years. TMTG spent money fighting battles to make the merger happen for two years. With the recent 10K filing they have zero debt and $200 cash to build
The problem is that people always cash out. They cash out when they think it won't go higher, and then the first rats to flee the ship cash out as soon as it begins listing, and leave everyone else holding the bag. The company had $58 million in expenses against $4 million in revenues. $4 million is a tiny bit more than the average McDonald's restaurant takes in annually. But the average McDonalds store isn't spending $58 million just to keep the lights on and the Fryolators bubbling. I get wanting to be on the team, but the valuation is so totally out of whack with reality that there must be better ways to show support. If DJT gets permission to sell his shares prior to 6 months all the shares bought by retail investors will be nothing but charitable donations, except they won't be tax deductible.
The company has zero debt. Many companies have losses in the first years. TMTG spent money fighting battles to make the merger happen for two years. With the recent 10K filing they have zero debt and $200 cash to build