Too many coincidences that every Dem. judge and politician including their families are part of a web of interconnected fuckery. I do not doubt the GOP has it's share as well. Thus the Uniparty's stranglehold on our country and why we need Trump to break this criminal syndicate apart. The fact that none of these supposed "judges" have recused themselves shows how dishonest they are. Money, bribes, blackmail, insider trading, are what we see or suspect. Imagine when the whole can of worms is opened what we will find. Trump always says that without a border we have no country. I will put words in his mouth and say without honesty we have no justice.
Too many coincidences that every Dem. judge and politician including their families are part of a web of interconnected fuckery. I do not doubt the GOP has it's share as well. Thus the Uniparty's stranglehold on our country and why we need Trump to break this criminal syndicate apart. The fact that none of these supposed "judges" have recused themselves shows how dishonest they are. Money, bribes, blackmail, insider trading, are what we see or suspect. Imagine when the whole can of worms is opened what we will find. Trump always says that without a border we have no country. I will put words in his mouth and say without honesty we have no justice.
Criminals run in the whole family. If you find one, look at the whole family.