posted ago by Scotty1954 ago by Scotty1954 +25 / -0

Hopefully y'all know me as I have been posting here (tho not too often) for many years now. I am worried about my nephew. He is in his early 40's and was diagnosed many years ago as bipolar 2. He has been on many different medications thru the years and tries his best to control his issues ..... but lately the meds just aren't cutting it and he is having a very rough time. It has gotten to the point where he is willing to consider alternative methods to control/fix the problems he is having. As you all know I turned to Christ and am 25+ years sober due to His strength. But aside from trying to enlighten him into a life of faith does anyone have any other recommendations? I'm looking for any good books on holistic/homeopathic methods, cleansing methods, etc.... Anyone with 1st hand experience with bipolar? Any help would be greatly appreciated.