My dad was diagnosed as type 2 several years ago. He manages with insulin daily. He has had a stint put in to help his arteries stay clear of plaque and his doc wants his LDL level to go down a lot.
Problem is, the heart doc says no red meat or animal products, but the sugar doc says no carbs or fruits. That doesn’t leave much to live on.
I’m inclined to think sugar is worse of the two, so maybe animals fat is a better choice. However, living with high sugar can be managed better than the chance or a heart attack.
If any of you have any thoughts or suggestions about supplements or meds or diet options, I would love to hear them.
Thanks frens!!!
We read Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. Esselstyn very soon after my husband's heart episode. Life changing for us. Literally.
Dr. Barnard has a book about reversing diabetes that follows a similar food plan as the above. He explains that sugar takes the rap for fat and uses a clogged sink drain as the visual. If the drain is clogged water is going to spill over. But once the drain is clear everything should work as it should.
How Not to Die by Dr. Greger has excellent information as well.
All the above are whole food plant based, not vegan or vegetarian junk/lab food. The documentary Forks Over Knives explains it well and features all the above doctors plus a few more.