posted ago by AndersonAnon ago by AndersonAnon +9 / -0

I apologize for the long silence, if you're one of the Anons here who is interested at all in this. To preempt the obvious questions, I still do not know what was in the barn. I did find a very crude "blueprint" in a notebook for electrical wiring in the barn, though. My current theory is that he wired it poorly and inadvertently burned it down.

I do however know what he was working on. I have been in Arizona on a more permanent basis for just over 40 days, and in that time I have been reading through boxes and boxes of notebooks he left behind, as he began taking very detailed notes during his initial discovery of Q, and kept at it for an apparently very long time. There are at least 200 notebooks here, though most of them are partially empty.

I have been photographing some individual pages when they catch my eye, but otherwise have left them until I later embark on a full transcription of all their contents to digital form. His handwriting was terrible. I cannot get software to read it.

Please be aware that not all of this is pleasant, but I feel I owe it to you (for all you have done for me) to give you enough of this to start wrapping up this saga. Beyond this point, anything I place is quotes is a direct, unedited quote from one of the many notebooks.

Noah seemed to have embraced the philosophy that "those who are not prepared to lose wars are guaranteed not to win them. Shelters are not constructed during hurricanes but are rather constructed in case of hurricanes." The way he applied this was by working toward the survival of "Truth" in the event of a potential Whitehat loss. I never got the sense that Noah actually believed to be on the losing side, but rather that he believed he was contributing to the best possible outcome by involving himself in preparation for the worst, if it ever came to that.

While I have no idea if the notebooks were meant to exist in a particular order (they are not sequenced), Noah seemed to have also believed that the process of persuading the general public that the contents are *"True" was as important as actually detailing what the "Truth" was.

*Noah differentiated between "truth" in general statements and "Truth" as actual reality, which is something that made me very happy as a student of philosophy.

And to accomplish this, Noah dived DEEP into world history, mythology, and sometimes even philosophy (something I knew him to usually deride). Noah also seemed to believe it was important to actually describe what reality is, how we know what it is, how we know it exists, and "Irrationalize" reality from presuppositions that benefit only nefarious forces.

In one book in particular, Noah attempted to tell the story of how those presuppositions came about in the first place, and how they are used to make even resistance to the Cabal work in the Cabal's favor, or at least not damage the foundations of the Cabal's project. "Once this was done" he wrote, "all that remained was to divide the remaining material Truth into two parts, the sole material and the "socially constructed." So that Countertruths of anti-freedom could be introduced without re-awakening an interest in the 'immaterial.'"

"Our Compliance With The Cabal's Scientistic Agenda Was Spiritual Suicide."

Noah embraced the view that the Cabal had installed a sort of "psychological barrier" in the masses that limited how critical we might be of themm, because the only tools we might have to combat them intellectually were designed by the Cabal itself.

Taking a bit of a dark turn, Noah did seem to have some moments of doubt. He admitted to seeing this limitation in action. I cannot be sure, but I believe he was attempting to criticize the overusage of Q proofs as playing right into the enemy's hands. In a separate notebook, he took a similar position by attempting to convince himself, I think, that drawing a line between matters of knowledge and matters of faith was to divide Truth in half the same way he believed the Cabal does.

In short, Noah's theory was that the Cabal took power, or at least took power to a whole new level, during The Enlightenment by persuading everyone that truth is only material and only material things can be true, which eliminated spirituality and "Higher Truths." They then introduced their own non-material Truth to replace traditional Truths, and that our seeming inability to develop myths-as-truths is proof of how well this worked. All of this seemed to scare him a great deal.

So Noah was copying Q posts to paper, both printed and handwritten. While I have not seen him say this directly, I believe he was going to attempt to either build a vault for all of this stuff, or find other vaults to place them in, so future generations would not lose the hard work of the many, many people who have worked to uncover the Cabal's activities and literally fight evil, in the event of a complete digital wiping of the entire internet.

This has been an emotional experience for me. From this point on I will be spending nearly all of time time going back over the notebooks and will report back when I begin the transcription project. This is an odd turn. I had meant to begin writing, but it turns out Noah already had.