I believe that we can confidently declare that the "Israel for last" phase of Q's operation has officially begun. The Deep State is in a full frenzied PANIC over the conversations happening across The United States. The University riots are just the beginning!
- N C S W I C -

I am posting here for the first time because I had a revelatory dream. Remember the show 'The Apprentice'? It's the deep state informing us that Trump is the apprentice auditioning for the role of Presidential politics reality TV. When Trump was interviewed at the Trump tower back in 2015 soon after announcing his run, he said he always wanted to become an actor/star during that interview, which I found strange at the time. The deep state brought Trump in and let him win in 2016 because a large % of the conservative population had become rightly disillusioned with presidential politics after what happened with Ron Paul in 2012. They needed someone to keep the bread and circuses alive on the conservative side (and a Jeb! or a Romney 2.0 would just not do anymore). Also, it was Soros-backed NGOs that were funding all the BLM riots back in 2020 to hurt Trump, and now it's the Soros-backed NGO's organizing anti-Israel protests that's hurting Biden. The deep state has already chosen Trump for 2024. They just wanted a 16-year cycle where both the sides will be equally outraged and actively involved and interested in Presidential politics (bread and circuses) while not paying attention to actually improving their livelihood or focusing all their attention against their real enemy - the money masters. This is why we found that whatever little good happened to the country between 2016 and 2019 was more than setback and more with the advent of the plandemic and the near helplessness of Trump in negating the financial and health impact (with the jabs) of the same. The second term won't be any different. He will pretend to be trying as hard to fight for us while he is stalled by Congress, the senate, the deep state, the courts, and the media...again! And this time, we might go to war in the Middle East as well (and Trump will blame it on Biden). All this while us plebs could have focused our energies elsewhere - accumulating real wealth, community, growing real food, raising awareness about the Central Banking thuggery. And most importantly sucking air out of the bread and circuses and the media hype around Presidential politics. The same thing is being done by bringing Elon Musk in - to bring back all the silenced conservatives back into social media - only this time they might even have to identify themselves with their real names at X. Switch off from politics and social media. Focus on what's really important to secure your lives, finances, food sources and community. There's not a whole lot of time left before the CBDC'S, Digital ID's and other Orwellian technologies are implemented.
So you are insinuating Q/Trump are "Operation Trust". Many things point to it being foolish to ramp up the awakening of the public to go against the cabal like this, but, there is a sliver there that the controllers deciphered a plan to expedite their prophecies. We haven't gotten true confirmation of any 'Storm' yet for our side so there is still a chance we are all being had. By November 5th it's shit or get off the pot.