I see a lot of snark against Jews, I don't see it against Muslims. Palestinians are fundamentally motivated by Islam. Muslim persecution of Christians is often severe and very evil. This is well documented. Voice of the Martyrs and International Christian Concern are two organizations that cover that. Gays in Gaza are thrown off of buildings. Christians number around 400 in Gaza. They used to number in the thousands. Those who remain face persecution including the possibility of being brutally murdered. This does happen. If I show you an interview with a former Palestinian or terrorist, would you believe him or her if it in some degree challenged your thinking? What source would be acceptable? Muslims rape, mutilate, burn, force women into sexual slavery, torture, imprison, murder Christians every day and that includes their own who convert. Does that make every Muslim bad? No. Do some Jews who do evil things mean that there are no good Jews out of 13 million unless they've converted to Christianity? No. Is it possible that there are Jews who hate what some Jews do and would want to do something about it if they knew how? Maybe there are Israelis who have gotten involved in govt in hopes of making a positive difference. Fighting the cabal is no easy task. If DJT was not wealthy, it wouldn't matter how much grit and determination he had (and he does have it), I don't believe that he would be able to stand the way he has. He would have had to cut his losses somewhere along the way. To the best of my knowledge, I don't believe that you are worried about a terrorist attack from Jews. I can for you that Africans, Egyptians, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Indians, Arabians and countless others of Middle Eastern nationality do not blame the Jews when they become the victims of this persecution. They place the responsibility squarely on the shoulders of their Muslims neighbors.
Here is a YouTube short featuring the UAE foreign minister on the subject of radical Islamists.Dr Phil recently showed video footage from Gaza featuring what they teach the children in school including interviews with the children. They are prepared to murder Jews including with the use of moving vehicles, knives, and firearms. This should not be normal for children. If you would like, I will look for it.
Let me know if I got this right... Zionists are great and Palestine BAD. Produced by a Zionist. Shocker.
I see a lot of snark against Jews, I don't see it against Muslims. Palestinians are fundamentally motivated by Islam. Muslim persecution of Christians is often severe and very evil. This is well documented. Voice of the Martyrs and International Christian Concern are two organizations that cover that. Gays in Gaza are thrown off of buildings. Christians number around 400 in Gaza. They used to number in the thousands. Those who remain face persecution including the possibility of being brutally murdered. This does happen. If I show you an interview with a former Palestinian or terrorist, would you believe him or her if it in some degree challenged your thinking? What source would be acceptable? Muslims rape, mutilate, burn, force women into sexual slavery, torture, imprison, murder Christians every day and that includes their own who convert. Does that make every Muslim bad? No. Do some Jews who do evil things mean that there are no good Jews out of 13 million unless they've converted to Christianity? No. Is it possible that there are Jews who hate what some Jews do and would want to do something about it if they knew how? Maybe there are Israelis who have gotten involved in govt in hopes of making a positive difference. Fighting the cabal is no easy task. If DJT was not wealthy, it wouldn't matter how much grit and determination he had (and he does have it), I don't believe that he would be able to stand the way he has. He would have had to cut his losses somewhere along the way. To the best of my knowledge, I don't believe that you are worried about a terrorist attack from Jews. I can for you that Africans, Egyptians, Iraqis, Pakistanis, Indians, Arabians and countless others of Middle Eastern nationality do not blame the Jews when they become the victims of this persecution. They place the responsibility squarely on the shoulders of their Muslims neighbors. Here is a YouTube short featuring the UAE foreign minister on the subject of radical Islamists.Dr Phil recently showed video footage from Gaza featuring what they teach the children in school including interviews with the children. They are prepared to murder Jews including with the use of moving vehicles, knives, and firearms. This should not be normal for children. If you would like, I will look for it.