Dem Rep. Crockett: Marjorie Taylor Greene Used Racist Trope 'for the MAGA Crowd'
Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union" that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) used a racist trope at the House Oversight Hearing Committee earlier this week to impress the "MAGA crowd." | Clips
This kind of shit is just plain comical and accomplishes nothing more than detracting from the issue at hand. I like MTG and the way she stands up to these bitches who have nothing else meaningful to say other than eyelashes are racist.
Crockett is as real as her fake eye lashes. What race are fake eye lashes ?
i believe japanese. prior to geishas, kabuki & noh performers were male but portrayed female characters. eyelashes sometimes adorned the noh masks
Somebody needs to explain to her eyelashes are not a race.
nah. ignorance is bliss.. and i am blissfuly laughin my ass off at the ignorance infesting our goverment.