If you have repented and you truly believe and you have truly received
Then you will let His Holy Spirit guide You until the day you are complete As Jesus said He would
You won’t let that seed land on rocky soil
That get tossed out like dross
Do you have religion, legalism
Or relationship, relationship,
One on one, intimate, personal
You will be the tree that bears good fruit So that in the end we hear “Well done my good and faithful servant” My servant, my friend
Not the tree that bears bad Because a bad tree cannot bear good fruit And produces chaff that just gets tossed, into the fire, that redhot fire
The feet that step on Holy ground Will bring honor to His name As they STAND in readiness And BOLDLY Proclaim, Petition and Praise Power and Authority, In His Almighty name
Stand against sin, complacency and compromise When there is sin, let it cause you duress
And when you stand and act Let it bring reprieve
Then He will Pour out His Spirit Upon His Remnant Army As His Disciples, Soldiers and Saints
You will do greater things than these ALL WHO BELIEVE
as He said He would When we abide in Him And His word remains in us With a childlike faith Then we can say to the mulberry Be planted in the sea Or to this mountain Move from here to there And it will move Whatever we ask in His name He will do He said He’d do When we believe If we just believe
When we seek Wisdom, Discernment, Understanding As He gives freely Then when we see Sin, compromise, complacency We will know, how and what to do We must exhibit the attributes of God Kindness, Mercy, Grace Compassion, Forgiveness
We must show them that we love them But hate the sin Sin cannot be, allowed to win Confusion, Fear, condemnation Are not from God But power, Love and Sound mind But Satan
Let your heart be convicted Eyes unveiled, ears unstopped Dulled mind awakened, awakened And when two or more of us Are gathered in His name He is there, He is there
Do you have your lamps all trimmed And have you got your oil Because He calls to His Bride Remnant To always be prepared
Not get caught, Ill prepared Because the door will get closed To the wedding feast And if you don’t have your lamps trimmed And take up your armor, God’s Whole Armor Be in Service to Him Preaching the gospel of His word Healing the lost, broken and hurting Binding, Rebuking Spirits And commanding them to leave Speaking words as He gives them When others won’t believe His Holy word, His ENTIRE word
Be about His business, don’t let the devil win Lest we hear, “Away from me, I never knew you.” the door slammed in your face.
So don’t sit by, idly Don’t just thing “I don’t need to do anything” I have my faith, I believe
Yes we are saved by works alone Not by might or power But by grace, by His Spirit alone
You can’t say I believe this but not that It’s all His word, It’s a double edged sword Because a faith, without works, is dead Time to live what you claim to believe jWinters ~Celestial Springs~
I have willfully sinned, I only ask for forgiveness from The Creator of All Things. What he does with me when we meet again is up to him. I am trying and doing my best to never willfully sin again. I keep trying to have a personal relationship with our Creator and am working my best to stop blaming him for my own wrongdoings. Glory be to The Creator of All Things.
Praise God!!