It's time to get our asses off the couch - can you get Ivan's viral video (over 10M views on X) to your sheriff to start preparing for arrests?? Let's GO.
Thank you, fren! It will also help to share Ivan's viral vid/plans with any current/former military and/or law enforcement. Please TAKE ACTION & DO WHAT YOU CAN!
Right now all he is getting is a tongue lashing from Congress...
It's time to get our asses off the couch - can you get Ivan's viral video (over 10M views on X) to your sheriff to start preparing for arrests?? Let's GO.
I can try however I live in a libtard county in Northern California. Not sure how much it will help but I will push it forward.
Thank you, fren! It will also help to share Ivan's viral vid/plans with any current/former military and/or law enforcement. Please TAKE ACTION & DO WHAT YOU CAN!