posted ago by JohnTitor17 ago by JohnTitor17 +32 / -4

Biblical polygyny: a man having multiple wives. This is NOT 'polygamy.'

I believe the systematic eradication of men having multiple wives was one of the first casualties of satan's 'War On (big) Families.'

Allow me to explain.

As with the banning of priests from marrying and feminism, The Roman Catholic Church, with zero Biblical backing, twisted scripture to justify the "Deification of Mary" (circa 1951 Vatican council - i.e. praying to Mary, not Christ or our Heavenly Father)

Know anyone who prays to Mary? It wasn't a thing until after WW2. So when you show someone how it miraculously changed all of the sudden a few generations ago, how do you think they would react? Too brainwashed to dare say a prayer directly to the Heavenly Father?

There's little difference here. Except it's a very uncomfortable truth.

The Roman Catholic banning of polygyny was also done by twisting scripture from clearly condoning it, into falsehoods against the practice. This is about the "deep church", and their role in quietly, slowly misleading Christians over the millennia.

Just like the deep state, the "deep church" is real and they have an agenda. And it's not God's agenda. And if you think it is, then what are you even doing on GAW?

"Only a fool speaks on a matter he is not familiar with." -So research the topic thoroughly.

Obviously many 21st-century women, who profess to be all about God's teachings, may not like this. "They either love the tree and hate the fruit or hate the fruit and love the tree."

WHY did the historical ruling powers want to put an end to this? Did they care about women's rights? The same reason they invented and pushed feminism through their media?

It helps if you see it through the lens that this battle we are facing is as old as time. You didn't think the first wave of feminism was the first attack on the nuclear family, did you?

  1. A twisting/nullification of scripture to ban polygyny. (No BIG families, Fewer children)
  2. War on the nuclear family. (Fewer children, broken homes)
  3. War on men. Feminist movement. All women expected to join the workforce. (Higher divorce rate, Fewer children)
  4. Abortion push. (Fewer children)
  5. Economic turmoil. (Delay, Fewer children)
  6. 50/50 $plit no-fault divorce asset theft. (Incentivize divorce for women, financial ruin for men, ...You guessed it: Fewer children)

Starting to see a trend?

Too much of a stretch to see it for what it is?

Exodus 21:10: "If he take another wife for himself; her food, her clothing, and her duty of marriage, shall he not diminish".

Deut 21:15–17 states that a man must award the inheritance due to a first-born son to the son who was actually born first, even if he hates that son's mother and likes another wife more.

Here's a few Patriarchs from the Bible: "Abraham then took another wife, whose name was Keturah. (Genesis 25:1), Isaac (Genesis 24:62), Esau (Gen 26:34; 28:6-9), Jacob (Gen 29:15-28), Elkanah (1 Samuel 1:1-8), David (1 Samuel 25:39-44; 2 Samuel 3:2-5; 5:13-16), and Solomon (1 Kings 11:1-3)

I am not 'endorsing' per se the Bible's perspective on a man having multiple wives. It's just this personal problem I have with always asking "WHY?" This only occurred to me after digging deep and going way back through history, tracing the war on families/children.

Can anyone please give a good reason why this topic, or any topic, should be EXEMPT from the question "WHY?"

TL/DR: the bottom line is you either believe 'big religion' / 'the Deep Church' under the guidance of hidden Evil, has had an agenda against God and families or you don't.

If you do, then WHY would this topic NOT be corrupted for sinister purposes over the course of history?

Shout-out to u/Young_Patriot Didn't mean to hijack your thread earlier.

Down votes are cool, but logical rebuttals are eagerly anticipated!