tldr; Woodrow Wilson appointed Louis Brandeis as the first Jew judge for the Supreme Court. Wilson also consulted Louis in multiple subjects. Later in life, Louis became a champion of Zionism. Here are the hidden cabalistic Jew roots of Louis.
Prager University, which everyone knows to be totally pro-Israel, do not like Woodrow Wilson progressive history. For example see: But they do not manage to avoid the fact that Woodrow Wilson named the first Jewish judge to the Supreme Court: Louis Brandeis.
Louis Brandeis is sure a hero to Progressives and Jews alike:
But there are less known facts about his family roots.
At we see a very detailed biography of Louis. And at the middle of the article we see the interesting part, which I will paste below in the inverse order, so it is easier to understand the connections.
The Frankists continued their activities well into the nineteenth century in Europe, and a number of his disciples immigrated to the United states in the mid-nineteenth century, including Louis Brandeis’s family.
The Frankist movement was headquartered in Offenbach, Germany, until [Eva] death in 1816.
[Eva] was daughter of [Jacob] Frank (1726–1791), [who] took up the leadership of the shabbatean movement in Poland circa 1755.
In the 1650s, on the heels of the Chmielnicki massacres of Jews in Poland, there arose in the Ottoman Empire to prominence a charismatic man named Shabbetai Zvi
Now back into normal order:
Shabbetai Zevi and the Shabbatean Movement
Shabbetai Zevi (1626, 1676) was an Ottoman Jewish mystic, and ordained rabbi from Smyrna (now İzmir, Turkey). He was likely of Ashkenazi origin. Active throughout the Ottoman Empire, Zevi claimed to be the long-awaited Jewish Messiah and founded the Sabbatean movement.
[mind the year he chose to announce himself]
In 1666 Zevi went public with the pronouncement and, in a state of mania, to which he was prone, approached the Ottoman sultan, thinking that the sultan’s “diadem” would be placed on his own head.
The idea to choose this peculiar year came from his right-hand friend named Nathan.
Passing through the city of Gaza, which at the time had an important Jewish community, [Zevi] met Nathan Benjamin Levi, known since as Nathan of Gaza, who became very active in Sabbatai's messianic career, serving as his right-hand man and declaring himself to be the risen Elijah, who, it was predicted, would proclaim the arrival of the Messiah.
In 1665, Nathan announced that the Messianic Age would begin in 1666 with the conquest of the world without bloodshed. The Messiah would lead the Ten Lost Tribes back to the Holy Land, "riding on a lion with a seven-headed dragon in its jaws".
So, in 1665, Nathan proclaimed that in 1666, a Jewish Messiah would start a bloodless conquest of the world and would return the ten lost tribes back to the Holy land.
Jacob Frank
Jacob Frank is believed to have been born in Podolia (now in Ukraine), in about 1726. His father was a Sabbatean, and moved to Czernowitz (in Ukraine), [...] where the Sabbatean influence at the time was strong.
In 1755, he reappeared in Podolia, gathered a group of local adherents, and began to preach the "revelations" which were communicated to him by the [sabbatean crypto-jews] in Salonica.
Frank was forced to leave Podolia, while his followers were hounded and denounced to the local authorities by the rabbis (1756). At the rabbinical court held in the village of Satanów (today Sataniv in Ukraine) the Sabbateans were accused of having broken fundamental Jewish laws of morality and modesty.
Louis Brandeis family
Louis Brandeis was a descendant of one of the prominent shabbatean/Frankist families of Prague. In fact, Brandeis manifested a great interest in his mother’s background as evidenced by his insistence that she write down the history of the family, which she did.
Brandeis’s mother gave him a copy of a picture of Eva Frank, [...] which was handed down and reserved for those who were privileged descendants of Frankists.
Louis Brandeis took his second cousin, Alice, as his bride, a practice not uncommon for Jewish people and Frankists during this era. she too was a descendant of the circle of crypto-Frankist Jews, and was undoubtedly aware of the secret of the family’s past.
Later in life Louis started to champion the Zionist movement.
Ukraine and mystic Jews
I have another post with another cabalistic Jew from Ukraine:
An Ukranian Jew known as Ba'al and his importance to Kabbalah
look up Truman aka Jewman next