...Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends...
Thru the Bible - Sunday Sermon with Dr. J. Vernon McGee
The Mystery of Iniquity
Over 40 years ago, Dr. McGee said that “lawlessness is growing and will finally break out until it actually is world revolution.” Lawlessness began with the fall of man in Genesis chapter 3, and according to Scripture it will culminate in the person of the Antichrist during the Great Tribulation.
Thru the Bible - Minute with McGee Dr. J. Vernon McGee
Rich In Mercy
Mercy is a word that was used back in the Old Testament, and it actually was equivalent to the word “grace”—because it was the mercy seat back there, and it was the sacrifice that made the throne of God. And when you and I come to God, we don’t want justice. What we want is mercy. And we need mercy from God. Now, mercy is what God has provided for all of His creatures. God’s got all the mercy that you need. God is rich in mercy, we’re told. He has plenty of it.
Daily Promises
But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. (John 4:14)
Take heart in the evident promise of your salvation: that always and forever shall your soul be filled to overflowing with abundant and eternal life! Never shall you thirst. Never shall you dry up. Never shall your soul be parched. Rather take joy in this: unto everlasting shall your heart's thirst be quenched as rivers of God's living water pour down from heaven as you bask in the glory of God's own Son: Christ Jesus.
Where You Need To Be
Man’s goings are of the LORD; how can a man then understand his own way? — Proverbs 20:24
Instead of trying to do things on our own, we should trust God. It will keep us from getting lost along the way and help us be where we need to be.
Casting Pods
Max Blumenthal : US sailors Defending Israeli Genocide...Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom Podcast
Cenk Uygur SHREDS RFK Jr. To His Face...An apoplectic Sabby can hardly tolerate RFK's shameful defence of the Zionist entity's crimes...Sabby Sabs Podcast
Jan Weckstrom: Between Nuclear Annihilation or Digital Prison, Politicians Lust for Power...Geopolitics & Empire Podcast
Rus Cuts Key Supply Road, Storms Vozdvyzhenka, Toretsk; Ukr Wants ATACMS Inside Rus; Putin Red Line...The Duran Podcast
Dog Woo
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. or: Those who have never heard of good system development practice are condemned to reinvent it.
George Santayana
Preparedness Notes for Sunday — June 23, 2024
The Anti-Christian Mind of the Democrat Party
Searching for America’s Identity
The microstamping scam
Anti-Trump Anxiety Ignores History
Today's Wins
1 'We cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow': The leadership we need today
2 Welcoming Back the Ten Commandments
3 Idaho clamps down on its RINOS
4 School choice looking pretty good in this state
5 Dem-on-Dem fireworks in New York
6 Trump has stepped out of an Ayn Rand novel, fully formed
7 How the Philosopher Charles Taylor Would Heal the Ills of Modernity...Enlightenment liberalism fragmented the world by neglecting the social nature of the self, Taylor contends, but the Romantics can tell us how to restore a shared sense of meaning and purpose.
8 James Chance (1953 – 2024) Punk, Jazz, No Wave Musician
9 Remembering Willie Mays
10 Sunday Poem...Clare Rossini - In Reply
Look At What The Dog Dragged In
11 CHRIS HEDGES THE IMPENDING COLLAPSE OF THE AMERICAN EMPIRE...The world as we know it is run by an exclusive class of American racketeers who operate with virtually unlimited weapons and money,
12 Jonathan Cook - Make-Believe Politics....The super-rich may be just out of view, but the strings they pull are all too visible
13 THE BRITISH-ISRAELI SOLDIERS AT RISK OF GAZA WAR CRIMES PROBE UK nationals are fighting on the frontline in Gaza, helping Israel’s military enforce its “total siege” over millions of Palestinians.
14 Endless War, Not 'Total Victory': IDF Wants to Leave Gaza, but Netanyahu Has Other Ideas
15 Will the Supreme Court Affect the Debate?
16 US Supreme Court Still Has 6 Blockbuster Rulings to Issue
17 Paul Edwards - WHITE DWARF.
18 Can You Inherit Memories From Your Ancestors?
19 Plants Warn, Defend, Scream, Remember, And Plan Ahead
20 The Quiet Return Of Eugenics
Health Breifs...Unleashed
21 Supreme Court outlawed segregation of disabled people 25 years ago. But change has come slowly
22 Long COVID Clarity—Three-Year Study of VA Population in America
23 Suffering with COVID-19 Vaccine Injury: Assisted Suicide Becomes an Option for Some
24 Who faces prison: Child-mutilators, or the doctor who exposed them?
25 UK Government Introduces Restrictions on Access of Children & Young People to Puberty Blockers
26 House panel weighs new plan for Medicare coverage of Wegovy, cancer blood tests
27 Do Wheats, Grains, and Sugars Bear a Higher Heart-Disease Risk Than Fats? | Dr. William Davis
28 Chinese Study Shows Intermittent Fasting Superior to Pharmaceutical Interventions to Improve Glycemic Outcomes & Weight Loss
29 The Healing Power of Molecular Hydrogen: Antioxidant to Anti-inflammatory
30 The FDA needs to embrace phage therapy to help fight antimicrobial resistance
The Best Of American Thinker
31 Snopes has finally gotten around to debunking the ‘very fine people’ hoax
32 The new White House Associate Communications Director is an antisemitic sexual fetishist
33 Massachusetts opens a new war against heretics who oppose the sacrament of abortion
34 The trans superiority narrative
35 A tale of two cities … or two nations?
36 Image courtesy of Richard Terrell at AfterMath.
The Worst Of Babylon Bee
37 Texas Children’s Hospital CEO Denies Wrongdoing
38 Democrats Warn If Porn Banned Young Men Will Learn To Lead And Contribute To Society
39 White House Asks Migrants To Hold Off On Raping And Murdering Any More Americans Until After Election
40 California Dad Warns Kid If He Doesn't Study Hard He'll End Up Homeless With Free Luxury Room And Vodka Shots
41 Walt Disney Posthumously Fired By Walt Disney Company For Being White Male
PowderRoomPolitics...Presents... Head up For Furry & Non-Furry Friends
1 Kitten Injured In Lawn Mower Accident Helped By Strangers
2 Cute Wildlife Rescue
3 Tiny Dwarf Kitten Bullies Younger Cat - (Why Don't You Pick On A Cat Your Own Size?)
4 Freddie The Pup Stumbled, Rescued From River
5 Building A Cool Place For A Momma Fox To Rest
6 Wild Crow And Groundhog Visit People Everyday
7 Rhinos Cared For By People Have Incredible Personalities
8 Rescued Polydactyl Kitten With Curled Ears Loves People
9 Man Swims And Cuddles Polar Bears:
10 Wild Lynx Gets Stuck In Tree!
Meow Mix With The Missouri Wildcat Taffy333
1 1984@75 – The Lottery
...Goodnight Newshounds...
Head Up
Eyes Forward
Hold The Line Patriots
Keep Calm
Howl On
Charles Haddon Spurgeon June 23rd — Evening Reading
"Waiting for the adoption." — Romans 8:23
Even in this world saints are God's children, but men cannot discover them to be so, except by certain moral characteristics. The adoption is not manifested, the children are not yet openly declared. Among the Romans a man might adopt a child, and keep it private for a long time: but there was a second adoption in public; when the child was brought before the constituted authorities its former garments were taken off, and the father who took it to be his child gave it raiment suitable to its new condition of life. "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be." We are not yet arrayed in the apparel which befits the royal family of heaven; we are wearing in this flesh and blood just what we wore as the sons of Adam; but we know that "when He shall appear" who is the "first-born among many brethren," we shall be like Him, we shall see Him as He is. Cannot you imagine that a child taken from the lowest ranks of society, and adopted by a Roman senator, would say to himself, "I long for the day when I shall be publicly adopted. Then I shall leave off these plebeian garments, and be robed as becomes my senatorial rank"? Happy in what he has received, for that very reason he groans to get the fulness of what is promised him. So it is with us today. We are waiting till we shall put on our proper garments, and shall be manifested as the children of God. We are young nobles, and have not yet worn our coronets. We are young brides, and the marriage day is not yet come, and by the love our Spouse bears us, we are led to long and sigh for the bridal morning. Our very happiness makes us groan after more; our joy, like a swollen spring, longs to well up like an Iceland geyser, leaping to the skies, and it heaves and groans within our spirit for want of space and room by which to manifest itself to men.
So beautiful...I never knew this about Roman adoption. Thanks for sharing sirpatriotpup!
,..there are many parallels between everyday life and God's plan illustrated in the Bible...
...my favorite, is the Hebrew engagement /wedding traditions and the Rapture, when Jesus' returns for his bride, The Church....
I agree...a beautiful metaphor that everyone could understand...🤍