posted ago by Achristmasbarrel ago by Achristmasbarrel +19 / -1

What is the Greater Awakening in 5 words or less? Isness. Awareness. Bewareness. Vapor. Rebirth. How do we know? If I ask you, Are you breathing? What sustains you? What if I ask a 4 year old? Does a 4 year old need to understand science? When you became Aware of the concentration of Oxygen in every breath, did you decide your survivability rate? Do you still accept the fact that Oxygen is what keeps you alive and Carbon Die Oxide kills you? What if you were Death to Oxygen? What if you created death in each breath? How could you live by creating Die Oxide? How do your lungs bind oxygen?

Whoa. How do I breathe death? Do I vaporize Oxygen? Do I not? Should I be aware of the death in each breath? Now what do I do? Do I run? I live therefore, I destroy. I am the Carbon. I create the di-oxide. Am I death? What is rebirth? How often is rebirth? When is rebirth?

May I rebirth without being aware? Is there fear there? Why am I aware of fear? Should I beware fear? I was aware of it, now it is still here, should I be wary of it? Beware the man who fears? Beware the man who has no fear? Be afraid of the man who has nothing to be afraid of? Why? Is fear a tool? Of whom?

What is a feedback loop? A to B to A? Aware, Beware, Aware. The only way out is rebirth. Rebirth in each breath. A new you created by a new you which was the same you only you realized your birthyness and saw your new self as you were rebirthing, creating, dying, being aware and beware and returning to source all in one breath!

Music. Isness → My favorite music is chosen.

Awareness → My favorite music is chosen by me.

Bewareness → Only I choose my favorite music.

Vapor →Someone else can choose and I’m ok with whatever.

Rebirth → Every old song is possibly my new favorite, even the unwritten ones.

Uh oh. I’m aware of bewareness in a vapor state. I am nostalgia. I am that which pines for the memory of itself from its own ivory tower. I am a pine tree. I am sappy and fragrant, spiky and sticky, softer than the previous tree, spongier, and terrible for construction. Best for picture frames and marionettes. Nobody wants Pine. Who pines for pine? Who pines?

Isness is an innocent form of being that cannot see its own reflection in the world, for it is awake and consciously choosing, but not for itself, only that it reflects, and therefore remains blissfully unaware of desire. As it is unable to see its own reflection, it does not recognize its own desire. Verily It pines, for Awareness, in order to see itself doing the thing!

Whenever Isness pines for existence, Isness becomes Aware of wanting. Poof! Isness becomes reborn as Awareness, awake to the fact that somewhere, something exists which it does not have and therefore must experience in order to become more fully Aware of itself. Awareness begins as a quest, life as a process of elimination, continually eliminating that which it does not want as a part of itself. Eventually Awareness becomes so fully aware that it becomes sentient to that which it does not want. It becomes its inverse. It becomes wary. It a-voids, limiting itself. It eliminates from itself in order to retain itself. Awareness that eliminates? It becomes….The anti-awareness….BEWARE!

Bewareness is here now. Beware if you please. Beware if you don’t. Poof! All Awareness are become Bewareness! Only in Bewareness does Awareness make sense! Awareness can only remain itself by preventing itself from experiencing that by which it was initially caught unawares. Poof! In the course of its existence, Awareness prevents itself and changes itself! This subtle perspective change from Aware to Beware exists solely in retrospect. The association of not wanting mixed with wanting reveals a lack, a doubt, a fear. A fear of mistaken identity or influx of triggering awareness that prevents/obscures self-recognition. Awareness is unaware of its rebirth as Bewareness and becomes afraid of what it is not Aware. The pulsating fear beckons, preserving the desire to maintain peace and stability for the new Bewareness.

In the hazy pyre of the destruction of the singular awareness emerges a hyperBewarean collective identity of unchecked di-agnostic perspectives, perpetuating the egregore of fear and preventing the Greater Awakening. Run! Run the Di-agnostic? Dia Gnosis. Awakening to the daily tripartite coexistence of life, death and rebirth, of creation, destruction and creative destruction, the continuous shift between Isness, Awareness and Bewareness forms a Vaporous identity. The point at which the flow becomes the ebb is momentary death. Occuring betweeen breaths, momentum continues as vapor combusts out of the AB Awareness/Bewareness loop and instantly triggers the rebirth process - a return to pure Isness. Isness 2.0, consciousness (Awareness) seeing itself as a pure form (Isness) minus judgement (Bewareness) -"makes so much room for activities!" The greater awakening is the broader realization of the common denomination. Take both pills Neo! Don't let the other one suppose itself up your hiny!

What is common sense? Is one sense more common than the rest? What are the 5 senses? What are they doing right now? Are there any others? Have they united to embrace ignorance, or a redundant perspective previously unseen? The Ing-ing of the senses rebuff themselves into the Common Awareness. The tragedy of the commons? Pfft. The comeliness of the Commons! The comedy! The sensibility of the common! The state of the union of inertia!

The audience recoils in happiness, relieved at seeing its common fear parading around stage, baring to all a lack of authenticity, simply clouded in a vapor trail of ignorance! Aware to Beware exists solely as a memory, a nod to what was, yet is to come! The audience’s awareness reflects onto the staged fear, illuminating, eliminating every uncommon perspective, sharpening the common sense in the great con game of Come On and Be.

Wait, what? Don’t con me Biff! I am aware of your efforts. Now that I am back in Good Ol 1985 I have realized you were only ever a buff figment of fear that triggered our early bewareness. And now we have you in the icebox, figgishly rebuffing our hoods. You rascal. You misfit. You benevolent ahole. We love you. Your secret is safe with us. We couldn’t have the Greater Awakening without you. Now where is my hoverboard?

Love you all, now get out and Win! Just one for the Gipper!