It’s stolen from the productive population in the form of taxes and fees by the civil servants, who after they take their cut, pass what’s left onto the welfare parasites.
This is why a welfare state benefits the civil servants and not the productive citizens.
This is why I believe civil servants and any person dependent on government should not have a vote.
I am a civil servant. I have to pay my bills and feed my family too. Why shouldn't I get a vote? Just because I am forced to give benefits to illegals doesn't mean I want to.
The system works in some ways. There are legit families who lose jobs, deadbeat fathers who dump their family. Those people need the safety net. The retard liberals just screw it all up by trying to create the slave class.
Free phones, free food, free healthcare, now pushing for free income. They call it humanitarian... nothing is further from the truth.
It’s not free.
It’s stolen from the productive population in the form of taxes and fees by the civil servants, who after they take their cut, pass what’s left onto the welfare parasites.
This is why a welfare state benefits the civil servants and not the productive citizens.
This is why I believe civil servants and any person dependent on government should not have a vote.
I am a civil servant. I have to pay my bills and feed my family too. Why shouldn't I get a vote? Just because I am forced to give benefits to illegals doesn't mean I want to.
The system works in some ways. There are legit families who lose jobs, deadbeat fathers who dump their family. Those people need the safety net. The retard liberals just screw it all up by trying to create the slave class.