I've talked to consultants and lawyers, and have yet to have one of them disagree that the Chevron deference decisions are the most consequential SC decisions in a century in terms of striking at the heart of the Deep/Administrative State. Yet, I have not heard ONE WORD about it from ANY 'media' since the day the decisions were announced including Faux News/Business. It almost seems as if the media thinks that if they don't talk about it, it didn't happen... Anybody have any thoughts on this? Is everyone waiting for 'the other shoe to drop'? Pray tell what that might be....
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It’s bigger than we can even imagine. The second of the one two punch may be in the 2025 thing everyone is so wound up about. Fell asleep listening to defected last night but they were talking about how Project 25 is aimed at the deep state bureaucrats and appears almost to have been written in anticipation of a Chevron reversal. If I can stay awake tonight long enough to get through it I’ll come back with more detail.
Project 2025 is a Biden campaign psyop. The evidence was recently posted here on GAW.
I haven't looked into it at all. Badlands guys say otherwise but maybe they haven't really either. I will take a look thanks.