96 Wow, for anyone still buying the "you're not a horse" horse paste, Amazon finally has decent pricing, a dime more than Valley Vet. Depending on your area, may even be next day delivery as it shows for me. (www.amazon.com) posted 161 days ago by RealityIsBroken 161 days ago by RealityIsBroken +96 / -0 38 comments share 38 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Ivermectin.com to buy the human pills, out of the U.S.
Yeah, looking for a friend at work to try and get her to try it. Has had ongoing stomach issues and some skin issues on her arms.
Would way rather get the human form as it surely would make convincing her easier but need more or less a single regimen quickly.
U can usually get it in about 3 days for a decent price. Reynodmeds.com coms out of turkey and takes about 3-4 weeks but is a little cheaper. I gotten from both and are both reputable, good luck with the friend. Stubborn people.
I got from Reynolds as well. Takes a little time but showed up, no muss, no fuss
Reynoldmeds is my go to. I got my last shipment in 19 days. I believe it’s India, not Turkey, where they’re based at.