The World’s Rush to Reduce Dependency on U.S. Dollar Accelerates as the Great AI Bubble Burst Apocalypse Draws Closer
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Hey! Waste not want not. Just like Anne Frank when her family was hiding in the attic. They ate a lot of cabbages and things that they had to cut the bad off of before they could eat it. Even I cut off the bad before I cook anything as did my grandmother. The only time we used A one veggies was when we were canning. The rest was trimmed, diced, chopped and cooked to be eaten immediately. What a wonderful idea for a company. I hope those people low on cash and needy use this.
Figure ugly doesn't matter to me. I can eat it.
When you're hungry, as long as it smells good before you take that first bite, you should be fine. I had baked pork chops, squash, red ripe tomatoes, collard greens with boiled egg and diced onion and a little carb of shells and cheese for supper. I'm on a diet so mine was mostly veggies.
Oh yummy.
Just country. I don't eat like this when the garden is in.