This is a full on glow fag operation. JFK style glow attack. There was ANOTER gunman! He missed by the grace and Devine intervention of God. A lot of info still pouring out like a fire hose. A lot of it is misinformation designed to muddy the water. I feel our autist and anons are on this case like a fly to shit. They're not going to get away with it. Retribution is the domain of God but there's nothing saying that the meeting can't forced.
...any ammo expended by soi boi did not strike Trump...
...that was a professional head shot...
...this is the first salvo of misinfo to add credibility for the "lone gunman" bovine excrement...
This is a full on glow fag operation. JFK style glow attack. There was ANOTER gunman! He missed by the grace and Devine intervention of God. A lot of info still pouring out like a fire hose. A lot of it is misinformation designed to muddy the water. I feel our autist and anons are on this case like a fly to shit. They're not going to get away with it. Retribution is the domain of God but there's nothing saying that the meeting can't forced.
Ohhh I see, maybe I'm a "conspiracy theorist" Sorry but fuck off pal!
Yes agree this comment is for killerspacerobot not ashlanddog!