Will Trump find out that the Secret Service did screw him over by order of Hillary?
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Who ordered the SS screw up? Killster, nah. Obooma, meh.
Who fund$$$ hatred-against-us? And his son recently took over from daddy, and recently got engated to Huma Abedin.
IIRC Q told us to watch Huma.
Soros is a minion... just a really high level minion. The son will not live as long as the father... especially partnered up with that. The decision to send a shooter with collusion from others came from way further up the pyramid. If Hildy has not done him in yet it is only because she answers to a "higher" authority which does not want to create an actual martyr out of a human being... again. Now did lil alex make a call or two to get the "party" started...
in my best Bugs voice....
mmmmm could be!