I just had a question pop up in my head. Why would a lone wolf shooter need encrypted accounts and apps? As someone who does not have the need for such apps, why would anyone who is not involved in a crime or part of some kind of underground network need this kind of app?
Ummm, because he’s talking to his FBI handlers. They installed the apps or told him which ones to install. 2024 is not 1963. White Hats have it all - and I bet they know who ordered the hit on GEOTUS
I just had a question pop up in my head. Why would a lone wolf shooter need encrypted accounts and apps? As someone who does not have the need for such apps, why would anyone who is not involved in a crime or part of some kind of underground network need this kind of app?
Ummm, because he’s talking to his FBI handlers. They installed the apps or told him which ones to install. 2024 is not 1963. White Hats have it all - and I bet they know who ordered the hit on GEOTUS
Lots of Communication apps are encrypted.
I have a pixel when I chat with someone with another pixel it's encrypted.
What'sApp Signal Telegram
Apple I think is all encrypted.