I'm writing this as a crude guide from the perspective of "how can you prepare with the bare minimum amount of $ so that you (generally) could stay home w/o having to leave your house for an extended period of time."
TL;DR: a bare minimum shopping list ~$130.
Food and water for 1 person for 30 days...
or 2 people for 15 days or 3 people for 10 days.
This is meant to be a bare-bones, cheap list to give you ideas. Not a balanced diet, but it will keep you alive. I wrote this to show how inexpensive it could potentially be. I checked prices and labels at Walmart and on Amazon for the following numbers:
$30 – 30 gals of water
$10 – (3x) 117oz cans baked beans (11,700 cal)
$12 – 20lb bag of rice (32,320 cal)
$20 – 36oz Butter powder (7650 cal)
$38 – 4lbs Dry whole milk (9065 cal)
This will give you just over 2000 cal, 55g of protein, and 45g of fat (per day) for 30 days for 1 person.
Or a family of 3 for 10 days. The math is easy.
Why buy extra food NOW?
Because based on the QClock it is very clear that 'something,' some society-disrupting event could come, maybe even this week. I have no idea what. But do I know that "major society-disrupting events" and food shortages could go hand-in-hand.
Weeks before the July 13 'attempt,' I posted that that date was one of the days that was a BIG deal on the QClock. (Unsure why exactly at the time.)
Two days ago I posted that the QClock pointed to HUGE happenings this coming week.
(Update: it was the August 6th Ukrainian invasion of Kursk, Russia. Russian territory invaded with NATO weapons & tanks.)
Based on my research I believe things will go in this order:
-1 Market plunge & War
-2 Dome of the Rock (mosque) destroyed
-3 (Chemical?) weapon/plague
-4 Sleeper cell activation - 'Drones' or...?
-5 More fuckery
-6 More fuckery
I'm giving my opinion here because if you see some of the above events, you will remember you read this on GAW and you will have a better idea of "what might come next."
That tiny bit of information, a few days in advance, can be life-saving for you and your family.
Edit: By "society disrupting" I meant on the level of (although different than) Covid's "two weeks to flatten the curve" etc...
Edit 2: This post is mainly for the people who's morale gets hit whenever they look at the prices of food and don't think they have enough money to food prep.
If you have a bunch of people to feed and virtually no money; get jugs of water and bags of rice.
To my knowledge rice is by far the most calories per dollar you can get.
$.75 = 1 pound of rice is 1600 cal. That and any cheap vitamin C supplement to prevent scurvy and you could stay alive for months. Add butter (fat) and beans (protein) if you can afford it. Don't skimp on the water.
A $15 camping stove and some propane.
Please look in your refrigerator and ask yourself how long your family could realistically go. Grab 20 jugs of water and a 20 pound bag of rice from Walmart on your way home tomorrow. That's $33 and 10+ days you and your spouse could eat for.
Food security is extremely important and IF you find you are NOT prepared, DON'T come home from work tomorrow without something, anything.