The idea that any law is perfect for every situation is unlikely. Yes, there are people who do not have the normal XY or XX chromosomes or gonads typical of their chromosomes. A situation may arise where a judgment call is needed. You absolutely cannot make "bathroom rules or laws" that can be applied to every single situation. But, in general, the bathroom laws should protect the majority, not pander to those outside of the norm, while leaving girls and women at risk. Sounds like this judge was whining about having to judge something.
The idea that any law is perfect for every situation is unlikely. Yes, there are people who do not have the normal XY or XX chromosomes or gonads typical of their chromosomes. A situation may arise where a judgment call is needed. You absolutely cannot make "bathroom rules or laws" that can be applied to every single situation. But, in general, the bathroom laws should protect the majority, not pander to those outside of the norm, while leaving girls and women at risk. Sounds like this judge was whining about having to judge something.