The World does NOT want any part of islam and that has been obvious for thousands of years. Everyone in the UK and EU that allows this is a criminal and The Enemy of The People.
Islam does not teach they will convert everyone in the world to Islam. It is much worse. They teach that one day Islam will become so powerful, everyone must submit to Islam, whether they believe in it or not. And these are the people Europe and America are letting flood our nations.
The World does NOT want any part of islam and that has been obvious for thousands of years. Everyone in the UK and EU that allows this is a criminal and The Enemy of The People.
Islam does not teach they will convert everyone in the world to Islam. It is much worse. They teach that one day Islam will become so powerful, everyone must submit to Islam, whether they believe in it or not. And these are the people Europe and America are letting flood our nations.
We don't hate anyone for not following Christianity. It's your choice. We don't want you to be killed for your beliefs either.