Whatever happened to the mysterious J6 pipe bomber(s)? Simply amazing that the F**king Big Indians could find Joe Sixpacks that attended the rally and arrest them for doing nothing wrong. Then, crickets on the person(s) who planted the pipe bombs near the DNC and RNC in spite of video footage cell phone data?
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You want to hear something crazy on June 8th 2024 I saw a flyer on the stop sign and I live a very small rural town no stop lights anyway I saw $500K reward so I took a picture to read the flyer. It was from the FBI seeking information on the pipe bombs, I looked the next day see if there were flyers on other stop signs but no just my road in the middle of no where???? Then they put up a plastic sign with zip ties and larger writing you could actually read and it said Honest People Please report federal crimes to FBI headquarters with a legit FBI phone number. I thought that is efn bizarre. When Trump was shot the FBI was trying to find out who and I joke they need to put a flyer out in BFE for clues. Very very strange.
Someone payed his brother in law a lot of govt money to put up thousands of them.
They took the cash and put up a few I bet.
That is about the only thing that makes sense 😂
Crime makes sense,when nothing else does.
Emergency projects like this,don't go out for competitive bidding. Their are no checks and balances. Same thing happens with war.