posted ago by unQuestionable_Truth ago by unQuestionable_Truth +29 / -0

Since the inception of a conservative base in America the prevailing thinking of the Right was to take the moral high ground, to not stoop so low as to get into the gutter with the left-wing lunatic's tactics of lies, shaming, cheating, name calling, etc.

This nation we call the United States of America was founded by puritan protestant Christians who left Europe to escape the stranglehold of the Catholic church's political sway over the European Royals and elite. This nation may have been sparked to life by taxation without representation but the people who formed this nation by coming here and building new frontiers were escaping religious persecution in Europe. They did not risk their lives and families over taxes or monarchies, they risked all to express their faith openly without risk of being executed as a heretic.

A nation founded in godliness, law, charity, work ethic and community is bound to be blessed by God because those attributes are the very laws that bring blessing.

But while the garden of America grew to be the wealthiest most influential nation on earth, by virtue of its own strength of root, weeds and vipers slithered into the garden and began to direct the path of the garden's growth.

In the 1980's the meme "the silent majority" became mass formatted into the psyche of the US media consumers. It meant, the conservative majority was silent and well behaved and would not lower themselves to fight back dirty like the progressives did.

Into the 90's and 2000's we only had Rush Limbaugh pounding the pulpit, teaching the Republican-Right-wing the William F. Buckley level of conservative values. Meanwhile the Christians behaved themselves and stayed silent. They did not fight back on any meaningful level and now conservatives are not the silent majority but the weeping minority wondering, what happened?

The Lanscape has changed friends and when the Leftist commies are using Guerilla warfare with a stranglehold on every aspect of life you best be getting your belly face down in mud and wait for movement in front of your scope.