This is a matter of salvation, I simply cannot be indifferent & say that there are thousands of avenues to salvation, when Jesus himself self that the road is narrow. We're in a mess & lets be clear, Prots & Catholics have to work together, but the facts will always remain:
Sorry, if you are not Catholic, you have NO link to history beyond 500 years, if you identify as Protestant (protesting the original Church). You have NO link to the Apostolic succession if you are not Catholic; these are simple truths. Jesus was no polygamist, he had but ONE bride & estsblished ONE Church, not the 45,000 protestant Church's that have come along over the past 500 years.
I don't doubt your sincerity, but all sincere Christians have an obligation to research the truth & ask themselves why Luther removed seven books from your protestant bible (he wanted to remove MORE but the early reformers disuaded him, unfortunately, he is the founder of ALL Prot Churches).
While we are here on earth, we all have the free will to research history & accept his original Church or not. I respect your free will to reject the Church founded by Jesus & his Apostles.
Destroying the synagogue of Satan & having a revival is great, but I would love to see Christiandom unite & his church revived & harvest as many souls for him as possible.
This is a matter of salvation, I simply cannot be indifferent & say that there are thousands of avenues to salvation, when Jesus himself self that the road is narrow. We're in a mess & lets be clear, Prots & Catholics have to work together, but the facts will always remain:
Sorry, if you are not Catholic, you have NO link to history beyond 500 years, if you identify as Protestant (protesting the original Church). You have NO link to the Apostolic succession if you are not Catholic; these are simple truths. Jesus was no polygamist, he had but ONE bride & estsblished ONE Church, not the 45,000 protestant Church's that have come along over the past 500 years.
I don't doubt your sincerity, but all sincere Christians have an obligation to research the truth & ask themselves why Luther removed seven books from your protestant bible (he wanted to remove MORE but the early reformers disuaded him, unfortunately, he is the founder of ALL Prot Churches).
While we are here on earth, we all have the free will to research history & accept his original Church or not. I respect your free will to reject the Church founded by Jesus & his Apostles.
Destroying the synagogue of Satan & having a revival is great, but I would love to see Christiandom unite & his church revived & harvest as many souls for him as possible.
What more is there to say?