I'm not going to nitpick here, but yeah Trump has said false things. In a rally I was at Trump said he signed Veterans Choice which allowed vets to get better health care. Well, I know that wasn't true because I started using Veterans Choice back in 2014 when it became law.
“We’ve got Choice approved,” Trump told a Fox-affiliate reporter in Michigan in January of 2018. “I mean, nobody thought we could possibly get Choice approved. We have Veterans Choice approved.”
I'm not going to nitpick here, but yeah Trump has said false things. In a rally I was at Trump said he signed Veterans Choice which allowed vets to get better health care. Well, I know that wasn't true because I started using Veterans Choice back in 2014 when it became law.
“We’ve got Choice approved,” Trump told a Fox-affiliate reporter in Michigan in January of 2018. “I mean, nobody thought we could possibly get Choice approved. We have Veterans Choice approved.”
But, https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/blog/2014/08/07/president-obama-signs-bill-give-va-resources-it-needs
I know Trump is not a big liar, but there are things he said that aren't true, so yes, he has made a statement found to not be true.
That's true. No doubt he plays politics at times. I just found the connection to this Q drop interesting based on the message he is conveying.
But, it was proven to be false, so I disregard that whole thing.
It also implied that it was up to the time of the drop, not the entire future.
In 2014 could you go to a private doctor and have it paid for if the wait was too long at the VA? I really don't know so I'm asking seriously.
You would pay out of your own pocket.