Warren Buffett sold another $981 MILLION shares of Bank of America.
Who control BlackRock? Who really control BlackRock?
Warren Buffett sold another $981 MILLION shares of Bank of America.
Who control BlackRock? Who really control BlackRock?
This is exactly how I see this year going.
Trump will be unanimously re-elected by every legal voter.
A communist mob will storm the capitol and unconstitutionally attempt to prevent the certification
A patriotic militia will counter attack and kill every one of them, and ever Rhino/Demonrat uniparty "member" of congress.
Trump will be annointed as Emperor and the Constitution rewritten to reflect this
Within 1 week, the DS will collapse the world economy and end all money in retaliation, causing the 2008 crash
The militia will spend many, many years purging in reprisals, but eventually, everything will be perfect forever
All of this will happen in the next 4 months
Trump emperor? Weak men want kings. Don't be weak.
LARP me harder papi
One Nation Under Trump