The more I dig about Durov the more I'm under the impression that he is a part of the DS. At least his backers are. Rumors are TG crypto was dumped prior to the arrest. Abramovich heavily invested into TG crypto. French got hold of Durov before SEC can get hold of him and his another crypto junk.
Possibly. As for not playing along:
It turned that not long ago GT killed without any explanations all russian accounts discussing the tax reform. There is a flat tax in Russia. But people were discussing the benefits of the progressive system of taxing, some popular accounts had thousands of followers. No breaking rules, nothing illegal, no complains.
All gone. I guess his backers do not want any changes to their taxes, not a word about the necessity of a reform. As I said, the more I dig about him, the more doubts I have about his character
Absolutely. His brother is actually a tech and math genius who created VK and TG. He broke with his pretty face brother. He considered him a traitor for moving the servers out of Russia
The more I dig about Durov the more I'm under the impression that he is a part of the DS. At least his backers are. Rumors are TG crypto was dumped prior to the arrest. Abramovich heavily invested into TG crypto. French got hold of Durov before SEC can get hold of him and his another crypto junk.
I suspect he switched sides. Thyis is why they are after him. They want to silence free speech and he is not playing along.
Possibly. As for not playing along: It turned that not long ago GT killed without any explanations all russian accounts discussing the tax reform. There is a flat tax in Russia. But people were discussing the benefits of the progressive system of taxing, some popular accounts had thousands of followers. No breaking rules, nothing illegal, no complains. All gone. I guess his backers do not want any changes to their taxes, not a word about the necessity of a reform. As I said, the more I dig about him, the more doubts I have about his character
Important to dig and keep eyes on.
Absolutely. His brother is actually a tech and math genius who created VK and TG. He broke with his pretty face brother. He considered him a traitor for moving the servers out of Russia