posted ago by JohnTitor17 ago by JohnTitor17 +32 / -0

It looks long but if you read for 60 seconds, I bet you'll read it all.

Spent an entire day and night+ in the time machine going way back to get Socrates. Would you believe he's a cigar man himself? 😗💨

I started posting on GAW for a specific reason.
Sometimes I like to shitpost. Who doesn't?
But the main purpose of me being here is to foster thoughtful discussion and spread knowledge e.g. The vitamin C/lysine artery cleanse, etc.

If this post comes off as pretentious, or if you have no interest in learning something Controversial that you did not already know or consider, then this post is not for you.

I would like to call everyone's attention to something you've probably already seen and probably already have an opinion on… 'I Pet Goat II' (2012).

Regardless of what you think, you will come away from this post with an expanded perspective. I recommend reading this post before you watch.


To our less-than-open-minded friends, there's much more interesting tweets/memes/etc with far less words/work/pondering on the homepage.
All great content.

Now I'm gonna pass the cigar to Socrates for a minute...

WHO are the 'bad guys'?
Bush/Obama/DS/'Satan' & AI 'serpent'?
WHO is the 'good guy'? Jesus?
Is the dancing Blue figure 'real' or allegorical?
Why is Pepe depicted at 5:30? 👀
Is Pepe there to depict the digital soldiers, information war via allegory?

Who is the bear? Russia?
Why after traveling to Russia, did an Australian Colonel say on video "Russia is fighting in underground bases in Ukraine"?
Is Colonel a high rank?
Largely scrubbed from the net? Why? What gets scrubbed, lies or Truth?

Phase 1,2,3...
1, Pepe. 2, the Bear. 3, 'Plague doctor'.
What does the 'plague doctor mask' represent?
Everything here has meaning.

WHAT is the overarching theme in IPG?
Destruction of the OLD GUARD?
Does it illustrate how we are controlled?
Puppet ma$ter/snake/AI 'media serpent'?
Does it depict an 'Awakening' of humanity?

Why was Revelation 12, "the woman of the apocalypse" depicted in IPG to introduce the lotus?
Who came/comes after Obama?
Why is Obama afraid? (made in 2012??)
What does the Lotus represent? Overcoming and rebirth?
Why did Trump gift the pope a bronze Lotus?
It's inscribed title? 'Rising Above'? A Hermetic term?
More on this in the discussion below.

In IPG, Who emerges victorious?
Being made 12 years ago, is the overarching theme relevant to TODAY?

Do we REALLY know (yet) everything there is to know about Light vs Darkness?
Does evil try to obfuscate TRUTH?
Social group-think?
Medical group-think?
Religious group-think?
Is your mind free of preinstalled intellectual barriers?
How LONG has darkness reigned?
Has the tentacles of Satan left any party, group, religion, or institution un-infiltrated?
Q4495 (below)
Does evil benefit if those that are good are fooled?

Did the CIA invent "conspiracy theorist"?
A social-linguistic psychological weapon?
Did they retire that MO?
Could "predictive programming" be a catchall term to obfuscate something else? (Sometimes)
Does TimeViewing & TimeTravel exist?
Q9, 3585, 3555.
John Titor proposed in a roundabout way that "non-mechanical" time viewing is possible. Interesting.

A few words on the religious themes of IPG:
I would like people to not get caught up too heavily on religious themes in the video that they do not agree with. Is the creator of the video depicting evil winning, or Jesus winning?
Focus on WHO the video characterizes as the 'bad guys' and the 'good guy'.
Focus on who wins. Keep in mind this was made 12 years ago.

Is "Where We Go One, We Go ALL" based on an OLD Hermetic phrase ?
"In a time that is yet unborn, All Shall Be One and One Shall Be All" ~Hermes Trismegistus

Find an old Bible before at least 1981. Why did it have Egyptian imagery and watercolor art in between the old and New Testament depicting Hermes Trismegistus aka 'Thoth'?
Why is it only relatively recently deemed heretical by 'Big church'?
The Bible says Jesus was WHERE between the age of 12 and 30? Egypt?
Is Balenciaga something evil? Yes!
Does Melania wear Balenciaga? No!
Is Hermes something evil? No!
Melania wears the Hermes brand often.

Another thing to consider: Hermes Trismegistus is depicted in two different forms historically, one being with a "bird (Ibis) head."
This is done because statues of any particular man are not recognizable throughout the ages. Could you identify, just by the face, the difference between a statue of Caesar Augustus and Marcus Arelious? This is allegory. In his book 'The Asclepius', Hermes directly reprimands one of his students not to worship him, but instead "give all glory and praise to God, the maker and maintainer of all things."
"The battle of the Children of LIGHT against the children of darkness is age old, yet ever new." ~ Hermes Trismegistus (also paraphrased by archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, posted by Q, Q4541, 4542).

I understand some of you are shaking your heads if you've even read this far. In that case this post is simply not for you. I've provided plenty of logical reference points for the wise to ask themselves the right questions regarding the obfuscation of this topic.
The goal of this post is NOT to convince anyone of anything, rather it is to inform and foster questions in your mind.

Did Q say 'they' want us divided by race, sex, and RELIGION?
Is religion the most ancient division tool of all?
Are some religions closer to truth than others?
Are those the ones 'they' attack?
Were any created with a darker purpose (plan)?
Which religion has been 'imported' into Europe?
Is that the one 'they' protect?

Satan, the father of lies, has done a fantastic job of drawing an intellectual fence (trap) around certain topics. This causes some of us to act just like the normies we are trying to Red Pill.
Most of us don't even care if they "agree" per se as much as that they open their minds to possibilities they have formerly rejected. (Programming)
Without this one thing 👆🏼 occurring at scale, The Great Awakening would be socially impossible.

The moment we hear certain 'keywords', some of us immediately shut down.
No more new information. No more learning.
"Let one who seeks not stop seeking until he finds. For when he finds, he will be disturbed, then he will be amazed, then he will reign over the All." ~Jesus
The fact is, it's hard to fill a cup that's already full. Through discussion with an open mind, we must unlearn (some of) what we have learned.
The above is the main purpose of why I, 'JohnTitor17', am here.

"The trouble with our [...] friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." ~ Ronald Reagan. 'A Time For Choosing' (1964)

A final word:

Why does Q commonly use LIGHT and the Sun allegorically?
Is the Sun an allegory for Light/Truth in the Bible?
Jesus referred to as 'the Light' and 'the Morning Star' in Revelation 22?
We must not allow (false) preconceived notions put there by the global institution that is the "Deep Church" (archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, posted by Q) to stop us from seeking truth.
Q4541, 4542 "Seek and ye shall find."

I, Pet Goat II by Heliofant. Relevant information depicting Humanity's Great Awakening, or "conspiracy theorist predictive programming"?
Decide for yourself.

I have seen him repeatedly use the number 17. The length of IPG is 7:28 = 17

Helio = Sun
Fant = Talk

Remember: stickied topics are never endorsements, only recognition of potentially interesting discussions or "high effort posts."

(~37 hours in the time machine and 4+ hours translating/typing/formatting Socrates' Greek to English for you here.) 🤪