The battery in the Motorola Pager
( q=motorola+pager+batttery+specs&safe=active&sca_esv=e9ea40622f6d2cac&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIKii2HCmuVgtTdQcQETAzDLdP19Eg%3A1726668235086&ei=y93qZojyBNqdptQP2dr96AE&ved=0ahUKEwjIg7C21MyIAxXajokEHVltHx0Q4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=motorola+pager+batttery+specs&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiHW1vdG9yb2xhIHBhZ2VyIGJhdHR0ZXJ5IHNwZWNzMgoQIRigARjDBBgKMgQQIRgKSM4qUIYJWNQacAF4AZABAJgBhAKgAZQNqgEFMC40LjS4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgagAvAHwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR8ICCBAhGKABGMMEmAMAiAYBkAYIkgcFMS4zLjKgB8Ei&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)
is 500mAH, which is about a third of an Energizer AA Lithium Battery (1700 mAH).
I wonder if a select few were packed with some C-4, as the energy in the battery is insufficient to do a lot of damage.
My guess, which seems to be backed up with recent news - Somebody bought a bunch of Motorola Pagers, then modified them. They added a high explosive (oxidizer is part of the explosive propellent) to the pager, such that it would behave normally. The explosive would go off when a "special" message was sent, otherwise behave normally.
These pagers were then secretly distributed to Hezbollah and were then given to their members. A generic message preceded the "special message" by a few seconds, so that the Hezbollah member would take the pager out and look at it.
This action was replicated today, using hand-held radios (which could likely contain a higher mass of high explosives). Seems pretty targeted to me, and the targeting of the enemy (vs launching random missiles into Israel) seems like a good use of technology.
The battery in the Motorola Pager ( q=motorola+pager+batttery+specs&safe=active&sca_esv=e9ea40622f6d2cac&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIKii2HCmuVgtTdQcQETAzDLdP19Eg%3A1726668235086&ei=y93qZojyBNqdptQP2dr96AE&ved=0ahUKEwjIg7C21MyIAxXajokEHVltHx0Q4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=motorola+pager+batttery+specs&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiHW1vdG9yb2xhIHBhZ2VyIGJhdHR0ZXJ5IHNwZWNzMgoQIRigARjDBBgKMgQQIRgKSM4qUIYJWNQacAF4AZABAJgBhAKgAZQNqgEFMC40LjS4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgagAvAHwgIKEAAYsAMY1gQYR8ICCBAhGKABGMMEmAMAiAYBkAYIkgcFMS4zLjKgB8Ei&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)
is 500mAH, which is about a third of an Energizer AA Lithium Battery (1700 mAH).
I wonder if a select few were packed with some C-4, as the energy in the battery is insufficient to do a lot of damage.
Exactly. I'd like to know how they pulled this off on such a great scale. Something isn't adding up.
My guess, which seems to be backed up with recent news - Somebody bought a bunch of Motorola Pagers, then modified them. They added a high explosive (oxidizer is part of the explosive propellent) to the pager, such that it would behave normally. The explosive would go off when a "special" message was sent, otherwise behave normally.
These pagers were then secretly distributed to Hezbollah and were then given to their members. A generic message preceded the "special message" by a few seconds, so that the Hezbollah member would take the pager out and look at it.
This action was replicated today, using hand-held radios (which could likely contain a higher mass of high explosives). Seems pretty targeted to me, and the targeting of the enemy (vs launching random missiles into Israel) seems like a good use of technology.