Hamas doesn't use hospitals as bases. Don't let the devil's propaganda fool you.
The Hezbos didn't know they were carrying remote-controlled bombs that could detonate while they were picking up groceries, so the onus is not on them.
Killing unarmed combatants (assuming they all were), far from the front lines, is certainly some sort of war crime.
In this day and age, and on this forum, if you still use the used-and-abused mass propaganda "terrorist" label, you need to check your brain.
As yes, classic hearsay. mUH teRroRisM. Please grow out of your programming. Sounds like you're posting from Tel Aviv. Are you one of the dancing Israelis?
Hamas doesn't use hospitals as bases. Don't let the devil's propaganda fool you.
The Hezbos didn't know they were carrying remote-controlled bombs that could detonate while they were picking up groceries, so the onus is not on them.
Killing unarmed combatants (assuming they all were), far from the front lines, is certainly some sort of war crime.
In this day and age, and on this forum, if you still use the used-and-abused mass propaganda "terrorist" label, you need to check your brain.
As yes, classic hearsay. mUH teRroRisM. Please grow out of your programming. Sounds like you're posting from Tel Aviv. Are you one of the dancing Israelis?