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People that need to see it to wake up, will sadly never watch it.......People are claiming "We have the evidence" need to start dropping it.
Things are now at the height of danger for Our President. 2 attempts and now reading about explosives. Stop Dilly Dallying!
I completely hear you and understand. To give you my honest feelies, I Think Trump is really in the Iron Mountain Colorado thingie with JD. The real ones. Trump is 6'4' and JD not as pretty. Check it out. Just like the Biden whom is 8 inches taller now compared to Dr. Jill. Etc. Thats the theatre and honestly BLOWS MY MIND. I know Trumps brother died real briefly and his funeral was not on the radar AT ALL, however it went down. I think we have been watching Robert Trump and a JD Stand in. For Now.
That being said, no better time to show fence sitters or siblings the truth.
I know, look at pics of Trump in the past 9 months and JD before selection. They are not the same. The Biden is new since the Las Vegas emergency and the first time out against 'Jill' Was Lurch like. 9 inches larger. He apparently is nicer to Trump now, wears his hat and calls with appologies when assasins show up!
Yeah, Iron Mountain and check out the MH370 superconductor dealio, its nuts.
Give your head a shake.