I been noticing a real change here in CA as of late. 🫑 THE GREAT AWAKENING πŸ”†
posted ago by ZeKaiser ago by ZeKaiser +70 / -0

Alright, so I was having seconds about posting this. But these last few weeks ago, I been noticing an awakening taking place here in Southern California. I ate at one of these restaurants with family, it wasn't American cuisine but actually Japanese.

But I see people coming in boldly wearing MAGA Hats, which is rather unusual as I never rarely seen anyone before wearing such in a restaurant. Now it's becoming rather common, people are becoming more and more bold.

We even went to a clothing store in a mall that's actually known to us, it's a privately ran business. But when as were shopping, the owner suddenly approached us and showed the AI video of Trump and Elon dancing.

This really surprised me, because I seen the owner before and I didn't think she would be the type to be enthusiastic about things like this. To see her really in fire for Trump, this was really came as a real legitimate surprise personally to me.

But overall, I am seeing a literal change happen here in my home state unlike anything that has ever happened. I am noticing a real gradual change here in CA as of late, it's not to be misunderstood. Even today, as a family member and me were checking into a hotel.

A middle aged couple was standing behind us, I immediately noticed the wife was wearing a custom MAGA 2024 TRUMP Shirt and a hat too I believe so.

I gave them a joyful thumbs up, but this was very interesting to see as well to witness myself. The people are changing, like they want to legitimately take our nation back from the Deep State.

I believe a real change is happening and coming to California itself, despite the communist filth or those who doom in trying to make people like us think that CA is really deep blue when in reality it's a solid red.

I hope to see more and more of this, I know it's going to be very interesting to see live through and report the coming times ahead. Despite what the things the enemy will do, God wins always and that will not ever change.

Well my fellow American friends, I'll be seeing you guys around here. Until then, have a blessed and nice day!

