No but this is why Hitler lost the war. If he targeted people like Soros and the top Elites then not fucked over Soviet's we would've been in this mess.
Instead Hitler decided to go after all the Jews. Now the Elites use the Jew term so the can hide behind not being persecuted. Fake Jews.
Doesn't mean other jews aren't responsible for doing the same shit he dies to undermine western civilization
No but this is why Hitler lost the war. If he targeted people like Soros and the top Elites then not fucked over Soviet's we would've been in this mess.
Instead Hitler decided to go after all the Jews. Now the Elites use the Jew term so the can hide behind not being persecuted. Fake Jews.
Religious jews are still a blight. The talmud explicitly prescribes the subversive behaviours Hitler warned us about.