I just wrote a nasty comment regarding Oprah and posted it. Then I read that article about her being raped at age 9. That has got to just mess a young girl up something major! Of course I am not a fan of this woman, but I deleted my comment because I just felt the Holy Spirit telling me that I need to pray for her and many of the people I really can't stand in this world. Many of the people were sucked into the dark underbelly of evil as children and even though they are adults now and we can judge them saying they should know better, I fare to say that I probably would have ended up in the same place were it not for the grace of God!
Another person I just cannot even stand to see in film anymore is Nicole Kidman. But she just came to my mind as well. Here's a girl whose father was the most notorious pedophile/SRA criminal in Australia and I believe he committed suicide in Singapore when the walls of justice started closing in on him for his wickedness. I watched a woman pour out her heart talking about Nicole's father fileting a little 4 year old boy right in front of her and Nicole when they were themselves little girls. As an adult seeing something so horrific would make the strongest man have a mental breakdown...imagine what that would do to a child. In any case...as much as I don't like our enemies...we do need to pray for them because it's very difficult for us to really walk in their shoes and understand what got them to the point they are today.
That said...I also know that no one deals out justified wrath like our Lord Jesus! To understand the real power of God and the lengths He will go to to avenge His children, prophets, apostles, and Son...study up on what happened to Jerusalem in 70AD! The wrath of God is beyond description here and was an empirical example of the truth that indeed you cannot have a worse enemy than God!
Amen my brother. We are fighting a spiritual battle and it's hard to refrain from calling it how we see it. Prayer is absolutely necessary. Orpah, her actual name, chose to associate with people who abused children in her adult life. She could break the cycle but she didn't. It's only right to feel sympathy for an innocent who was abused but at the same time we don't know her story is real. I think you did the right thing though. Do as the Lord compelled you!
Claims she was raped at 9 and miscarriage at 14. Read what she named him https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://people.com/tv/oprah-winfrey-reveals-name-of-premature-baby-she-lost-at-age-14/&ved=2ahUKEwiOms_6mdmIAxV9JUQIHddYIPgQFnoECBYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0jKzG6tEh0hSn4NsP3NV28
You know...a little honesty here...
I just wrote a nasty comment regarding Oprah and posted it. Then I read that article about her being raped at age 9. That has got to just mess a young girl up something major! Of course I am not a fan of this woman, but I deleted my comment because I just felt the Holy Spirit telling me that I need to pray for her and many of the people I really can't stand in this world. Many of the people were sucked into the dark underbelly of evil as children and even though they are adults now and we can judge them saying they should know better, I fare to say that I probably would have ended up in the same place were it not for the grace of God!
Another person I just cannot even stand to see in film anymore is Nicole Kidman. But she just came to my mind as well. Here's a girl whose father was the most notorious pedophile/SRA criminal in Australia and I believe he committed suicide in Singapore when the walls of justice started closing in on him for his wickedness. I watched a woman pour out her heart talking about Nicole's father fileting a little 4 year old boy right in front of her and Nicole when they were themselves little girls. As an adult seeing something so horrific would make the strongest man have a mental breakdown...imagine what that would do to a child. In any case...as much as I don't like our enemies...we do need to pray for them because it's very difficult for us to really walk in their shoes and understand what got them to the point they are today.
That said...I also know that no one deals out justified wrath like our Lord Jesus! To understand the real power of God and the lengths He will go to to avenge His children, prophets, apostles, and Son...study up on what happened to Jerusalem in 70AD! The wrath of God is beyond description here and was an empirical example of the truth that indeed you cannot have a worse enemy than God!
Amen my brother. We are fighting a spiritual battle and it's hard to refrain from calling it how we see it. Prayer is absolutely necessary. Orpah, her actual name, chose to associate with people who abused children in her adult life. She could break the cycle but she didn't. It's only right to feel sympathy for an innocent who was abused but at the same time we don't know her story is real. I think you did the right thing though. Do as the Lord compelled you!