posted ago by Smellorama ago by Smellorama +39 / -0


In 2020 it was 51 lying Intelligence Officials who were quarterbacked by Anthony Blinken to pull off the greatest Election Fraud in American History. It has now been determined that several of the 51 were actually CIA Contractors when they signed the 51 Intel Officer letter that was replete with fictional statements that broached the 18USC1001 statute on False Statements by Federal Officials. I would suggest that they were not “contractors”, this mischaracterization is a willful canard. When retired or former officials come back to advise Government, they are often serving in positions as “Special Government Employees”. An SGE is a “deputized and sworn” Government Official so they are absolutely subject to 18USC1001. So far, a weaponized Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation has done nothing to hold them accountable and protect the Republic.

The Scam went so well in 2020, that the Harris Team has now mobilized a replay of absurd proportions. Now 741 officials, some of them former Trump Officials have signed this letter. Most of the names are forgettable wannabe’s who are trying to stay relevant in the Swamp. Then you have low life’s like Jeremy Bash who is a repeat offender, being an alumni of of the 51 Intel Officer. Jeremy Bash is also married to Dana Bash of CNN.

You have whale dung, the mud on the bottom of the ocean the whale dung is resting on, several layers of sediment collected over the ages, and then you have these pathetic Swamp Creatures. We now have a definitive list of who to charge for destroying any semblance of an effective and constitutionally focused national security environment. The world is on fire, these cretins recklessly created the conditions for this world on fire, and now they want back into office to fix what they’ve broken. They caused this disaster, but their hysterical obsession is ensuring Trump does not return to office to actually fix things.

Why do they do it? Early on in their careers, these officials learn really quickly – delivering solutions and solving complex problems is not the goal. Enabling long term perpetuation of the problem is the game. In their heart of hearts, the 741 are terrified that their evil wrongdoing will be found out and a reconstituted Department of Justice will pursue them just like they’ve done to many others. What are the reasons they do what they do?:

Pressure to conform: At one time, Generals, Admirals, and senior civilian national security officials were the keepers of all that was good and right in America. They were never perfect and always had human faults, but there was a clear Judeo-Christian heritage and value system. This is no longer true.

In many ways it was Admiral Mullen and Secretary of Defense Gates who breached the firewall by allowing any behavior to become normalized during the Obama era. This is not a judgement of any lifestyle – just the observation that they opened to gates to “anything goes” to de-stabilize America and satisfy the secular progressives, i.e. the Communists.

Mullen did not defend the military institution from politicization, he made it clear he would conform the military institution to the social engineering policies and attitudes of an Administration.

Part of this conformance established by Mullen was the parroting of common public talking points to align with one party and criticize the other in a coordinated fashion, i.e. the fraud of the 51 Intel Officer Letter and now the 741 National Security Officials. The process of selection, inclusion, and retention into the national security club became ideological, not merit based.

The Nation is at it’s greatest danger ever since World War II. A peacetime cult has developed that is obsessed with perpetuating dysfunction and will fight change ferociously. This group would never have accepted General Patton from WWII or General Grant from the Civil War into their midst. The Chief of Naval Operations has told the Navy to get ready for conflict with China by 2027. The problem is the conflict has already started.

 Post-Service search for significance and continuation of their status:  Many retired national security officials spend their retired time searching for significance by extending their status into new and higher levels of service. Retired pay may be reasonable, but it’s not enough to pay for college for their children and grandchildren.

Pressure to be relevant: A number of these officials try to stay competitive, and go overboard to make sure they are seen, heard, and receive attention. They know they have to compete with their peers and want to make sure they are noticed, kind of like when they were in office.

 The Holy Grail of Board Positions:  Corporate board positions are the crown jewel of what many officials are looking for.  Many of these corporate boards trend toward allegiance to big government and cancel culture.

 The Double Crown of Think Tank Seats:  This is an equivalent crown jewel to a board position. A seat at the Atlantic Council or the Center for Strategic and International Studies as a senior expert on “Dis-Information” along with a prestigious board position is considered the Mt. Olympus of post military service.

 Political Appointments:  Another way to continue service and visibility are Presidential appointments. Former officials are often preening for these appointments.

 Salvage Declining Brand Image:  The former officials realize their vaunted reputations fade fast. This pushes them to extremes of behavior.

 Top Secret Clearances:  One of the unspoken perks desired and sought after are the retention of clearances. Clearance slots are expensive and complicated—but can be charged back through overhead charges to the Government.

There is a sickness inside the national security community and the 741 national security officials are part of the problem, not part of the solution. The Republic is in its darkest hour from enemies within and without.


