Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was the British Queen Cleopatra!!
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was the British Queen Cleopatra. Amazingly, like her Egyptian counterpart, she was also the mother of twins. Queen Cleopatra was an adept at using poison and Margaret was a chemistry major at Oxford. That knowledge was very useful to her in getting rid of anybody who blocked her political career. (Her mother Beatrice died "unexpectedly" in 1960).
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was the British Cleopatra. Amazingly, she also had a boy and girl twin, in the very same year that Elizabeth and Lilibet began their reigns.
Queen Cleopatra bewitched the 2 most powerful men in the ancient world: Julius Caesar and Marcus Antonius.
Thatcher had Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev eating out of her hands.
The British Cleopatra made sure that Bergoglio did not become Pope in 2005!!
The "Iron Lady" did not earn that nickname for nothing. She might be called "Attila the Hen" in jest, but nobody crossed her and came out ahead.
In February 2001, the ailing Pope John Paul II made Bergoglio a cardinal.
He also named Bergoglio as his successor.
In March 2005, Cardinal Bergoglio was absolutely sure he would be the first Jesuit Pope.
He would have taken the name Pius XIII.
Before the conclave, "anonymous" distributed damning evidence of his complicity in the "Dirty War." "Anonymous" is just a synonym for the British Secret Service:
No one admitted to sending the email. The ambassador said he did not do it. So did the lawyer. So did the journalist. So did several high ranking officials of the Society of Jesus, the world's biggest and most powerful religious order. The dossier that dropped anonymously in the inbox of senior cardinals as they gathered at Rome was damning. Or so it was intended to be. Someone did not want Jorge Mario Bergoglio to be Pope. (Vallely, Pope Francis: Untying the Knots, p. 1).
Even though the " Iron Lady" was out of office since 1990, she was still hugely influential in governmental circles. They all remembered the Falklands War, and they were not about to have any Argentine as Pope.
A Titanic battle raged at the Vatican between the Jesuits and the other factions.
Finally, in March 2013, Joseph Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict XVI, was forced to resign.
The outcome was never in doubt as Jorge Bergoglio finally achieved his lifelong ambition and became Pope Francis
After an intense struggle that lasted from 2005 to 2013, Bergoglio finally forced Pope Benedict XVI to resign. Only a month later, the woman who torpedoed Bergoglio in 2005 was sent to meet her Maker.
The British Cleopatra was sent to meet her Maker in April 2013
The very next month after Bergoglio became Pope on the second try, the British Cleopatra had an unexpected demise. It is true that she was 87, but she had an iron constitution, and an iron will, and the only person who could have prevented her from living lucidly to 100 was her physician.
She always had extraordinary energy, and seldom needed more than 4 hours sleep per night. She was as driven to restore the British Empire as her Egyptian counterpart was driven to restore the grandeur of Pharaonic Egypt.
Even at 87, the "Iron Lady" was still a formidable force in politics.
Her death on April 9, 2013, was very timely indeed.
Incredibly, the ancient Egyptians abhorred the Roman practice of cremation.
Queen Cleopatra had an elaborate tomb built to house her mortal remains.
Queen Cleopatra committed suicide, but she had an elaborate tomb prepared to house her mortal remains with her lover, Marcus Antonius. By delaying the Papacy of Bergoglio until 2013, the "Iron Lady" did the Christian world a great service.
Pope Francis will be arrested for war crimes if he returns to Argentina!!
As Jesuit Provincial in Argentina, Jorge Bergoglio was head of the Militia of Jesus, and therefore all the leaders of the junta reported to him.
When the junta finally fell in December 1983, the house of horrors that was Argentina began to be revealed.
Mass graves were unearthed all over the country, but the great majority of the desaparecidos were buried at sea.
That is why Pope Francis cannot set foot in his homeland.
The last book of the Holy Bible says that the sea will give up all the dead on the Last Day:
And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to his works (Revelation 20:13).
If Pope Francis does not return to Argentina and face a court there, he will still have to attend the Judgment Seat of Christ on the Last Day (II Corinthians 5:10).
For lighting and power, every country in the world today uses the polyphase alternating current system invented by Nikola Tesla. What many don't know is that this revolutionary discovery was almost sabotaged by Samuel Insull, Thomas Edison, and J.P. Morgan. General Jackson called the British "the enemies of the human race" and in the following article you will see why he was not only a great soldier . . . but a PROPHET.
On February 28, 1881, 21-year-old British Secret Service agent Samuel Insull arrived in New York City from London, England. His mission was to work with Thomas Edison, and ensure that Edison's direct current (DC) system prevailed as the only electrical system in the land of the free.
In 1881, Samuel Insull arrived from Britain and became private secretary to Thomas A. Edison in New York City.
As a British Secret Service agent, Samuel Insull was licensed to kill alternating current (AC), and keep the entire world in the dark!!
The big test to determine which system would prevail was the upcoming 1893 Columbian Exposition, or the first Chicago World's Fair.
It was meant to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Portuguese Christopher Columbus landing in the New World. However, 1892 was a Presidential election year so the celebration was held on the following year.
The city of Chicago had requested bids from General Electric and Westinghouse to light up the Columbian Exposition.
After New York City, Chicago was to be the second front in the War of the Currents.
Insull arrived in the Windy City in 1892, and immediately began buying up all the small electric generating companies.
He was determined to totally exclude Tesla and Westinghouse from the upcoming Columbian Exposition.
He was determined to totally exclude Tesla and Westinghouse from the upcoming Columbian Exposition.
Insull's money came from the Bank of England, and he was the John D. Rockefeller of the electrical industry. Like Rockefeller, he used the same ruthless "cutting to kill" tactics to drive all the small companies out of business.
The company created by Insull, Edison, and Morgan was called General Electric. Edison's name was totally excluded from the company because he couldn't even invent a mousetrap.
It was General Electric v. Westinghouse at the 1893 Chicago World's Fair.
The multi-billion dollar General Electric Company was British owned from the very beginning, while Westinghouse is now owned by a Japanese company!!
Insull used Tesla's AC to develop the atomic bomb!!
After "Kissin' Cousins" Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species by Natural Selection, the most exciting book for the British Empire was published in 1875. It was entitled Physics of the Ether by Samuel Tolver Preston. Like Nikola Tesla, Preston believed in the existence of the ether.
To the military establishment in the British Empire it held out the possibility of an atomic bomb to destroy Britannia's 3 main rivals: France, Russia, and the United States. This goal was even more critical following the disastrous defeat of the British/German Coalition in World War I.
As research on this super weapon progressed, it became apparent that splitting the atom would require enormous amounts of alternating current.
Around 1920, British scientists realized that splitting the atom would require huge amounts of electricity.
In 1933, the TVA was created by Roosevelt for this very purpose.
In 1933, Ernest Livermore patented the first cyclotron for splitting atoms.
The government became involved in producing electricity in 1933, with the massive Tennessee Valley Authority hydroelectric project. Prior to that time, the government never became involved in private enterprise. Even the Morse telegraph did not receive any government funding.
It never occurred to the great genius Nikola Tesla to use his AC to split atoms.
Without massive amounts of electricity, Hiroshima would never have happened.
Insull was indeed the real "Father" of the atomic bomb!!
The legacy of Insull is still with us today . . . as sinister as ever....The George Westinghouse company is mostly involved in nuclear power stations, and is owned by a Japanese company, the Toshiba Group.
The British owned General Electric has annual revenues exceeding 150 billion dollars. It is a vital part of the nuclear weapons industry, and the major player in the military-industrial complex condemned by President Eisenhower.
Most of the revenues of General Electric comes from the inventions of Nikola Tesla: motors, turbines, radio, TV, x-rays, robotics, etc., etc. The HAARP system, which is used to modify the weather in the U.S., was invented by Tesla to make the desert blossom as the rose.
The US needs no allies
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was the British Queen Cleopatra!!
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was the British Queen Cleopatra. Amazingly, like her Egyptian counterpart, she was also the mother of twins. Queen Cleopatra was an adept at using poison and Margaret was a chemistry major at Oxford. That knowledge was very useful to her in getting rid of anybody who blocked her political career. (Her mother Beatrice died "unexpectedly" in 1960).
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was the British Cleopatra. Amazingly, she also had a boy and girl twin, in the very same year that Elizabeth and Lilibet began their reigns.
Queen Cleopatra bewitched the 2 most powerful men in the ancient world: Julius Caesar and Marcus Antonius.
Thatcher had Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev eating out of her hands.
The British Cleopatra made sure that Bergoglio did not become Pope in 2005!!
The "Iron Lady" did not earn that nickname for nothing. She might be called "Attila the Hen" in jest, but nobody crossed her and came out ahead.
In February 2001, the ailing Pope John Paul II made Bergoglio a cardinal.
He also named Bergoglio as his successor.
In March 2005, Cardinal Bergoglio was absolutely sure he would be the first Jesuit Pope.
He would have taken the name Pius XIII.
Before the conclave, "anonymous" distributed damning evidence of his complicity in the "Dirty War." "Anonymous" is just a synonym for the British Secret Service:
No one admitted to sending the email. The ambassador said he did not do it. So did the lawyer. So did the journalist. So did several high ranking officials of the Society of Jesus, the world's biggest and most powerful religious order. The dossier that dropped anonymously in the inbox of senior cardinals as they gathered at Rome was damning. Or so it was intended to be. Someone did not want Jorge Mario Bergoglio to be Pope. (Vallely, Pope Francis: Untying the Knots, p. 1).
Even though the " Iron Lady" was out of office since 1990, she was still hugely influential in governmental circles. They all remembered the Falklands War, and they were not about to have any Argentine as Pope.
A Titanic battle raged at the Vatican between the Jesuits and the other factions.
Finally, in March 2013, Joseph Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict XVI, was forced to resign.
The outcome was never in doubt as Jorge Bergoglio finally achieved his lifelong ambition and became Pope Francis
After an intense struggle that lasted from 2005 to 2013, Bergoglio finally forced Pope Benedict XVI to resign. Only a month later, the woman who torpedoed Bergoglio in 2005 was sent to meet her Maker.
The British Cleopatra was sent to meet her Maker in April 2013
The very next month after Bergoglio became Pope on the second try, the British Cleopatra had an unexpected demise. It is true that she was 87, but she had an iron constitution, and an iron will, and the only person who could have prevented her from living lucidly to 100 was her physician.
She always had extraordinary energy, and seldom needed more than 4 hours sleep per night. She was as driven to restore the British Empire as her Egyptian counterpart was driven to restore the grandeur of Pharaonic Egypt.
Even at 87, the "Iron Lady" was still a formidable force in politics.
Her death on April 9, 2013, was very timely indeed.
Incredibly, the ancient Egyptians abhorred the Roman practice of cremation.
Queen Cleopatra had an elaborate tomb built to house her mortal remains.
Queen Cleopatra committed suicide, but she had an elaborate tomb prepared to house her mortal remains with her lover, Marcus Antonius. By delaying the Papacy of Bergoglio until 2013, the "Iron Lady" did the Christian world a great service.
Pope Francis will be arrested for war crimes if he returns to Argentina!!
As Jesuit Provincial in Argentina, Jorge Bergoglio was head of the Militia of Jesus, and therefore all the leaders of the junta reported to him.
When the junta finally fell in December 1983, the house of horrors that was Argentina began to be revealed.
Mass graves were unearthed all over the country, but the great majority of the desaparecidos were buried at sea.
That is why Pope Francis cannot set foot in his homeland.
The last book of the Holy Bible says that the sea will give up all the dead on the Last Day:
And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to his works (Revelation 20:13).
If Pope Francis does not return to Argentina and face a court there, he will still have to attend the Judgment Seat of Christ on the Last Day (II Corinthians 5:10).
For lighting and power, every country in the world today uses the polyphase alternating current system invented by Nikola Tesla. What many don't know is that this revolutionary discovery was almost sabotaged by Samuel Insull, Thomas Edison, and J.P. Morgan. General Jackson called the British "the enemies of the human race" and in the following article you will see why he was not only a great soldier . . . but a PROPHET.
On February 28, 1881, 21-year-old British Secret Service agent Samuel Insull arrived in New York City from London, England. His mission was to work with Thomas Edison, and ensure that Edison's direct current (DC) system prevailed as the only electrical system in the land of the free.
In 1881, Samuel Insull arrived from Britain and became private secretary to Thomas A. Edison in New York City.
As a British Secret Service agent, Samuel Insull was licensed to kill alternating current (AC), and keep the entire world in the dark!!
The big test to determine which system would prevail was the upcoming 1893 Columbian Exposition, or the first Chicago World's Fair.
It was meant to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Portuguese Christopher Columbus landing in the New World. However, 1892 was a Presidential election year so the celebration was held on the following year.
The city of Chicago had requested bids from General Electric and Westinghouse to light up the Columbian Exposition.
After New York City, Chicago was to be the second front in the War of the Currents.
Insull arrived in the Windy City in 1892, and immediately began buying up all the small electric generating companies.
He was determined to totally exclude Tesla and Westinghouse from the upcoming Columbian Exposition.
He was determined to totally exclude Tesla and Westinghouse from the upcoming Columbian Exposition.
Insull's money came from the Bank of England, and he was the John D. Rockefeller of the electrical industry. Like Rockefeller, he used the same ruthless "cutting to kill" tactics to drive all the small companies out of business.
The company created by Insull, Edison, and Morgan was called General Electric. Edison's name was totally excluded from the company because he couldn't even invent a mousetrap.
It was General Electric v. Westinghouse at the 1893 Chicago World's Fair.
The multi-billion dollar General Electric Company was British owned from the very beginning, while Westinghouse is now owned by a Japanese company!!
Insull used Tesla's AC to develop the atomic bomb!!
After "Kissin' Cousins" Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species by Natural Selection, the most exciting book for the British Empire was published in 1875. It was entitled Physics of the Ether by Samuel Tolver Preston. Like Nikola Tesla, Preston believed in the existence of the ether.
To the military establishment in the British Empire it held out the possibility of an atomic bomb to destroy Britannia's 3 main rivals: France, Russia, and the United States. This goal was even more critical following the disastrous defeat of the British/German Coalition in World War I.
As research on this super weapon progressed, it became apparent that splitting the atom would require enormous amounts of alternating current.
Around 1920, British scientists realized that splitting the atom would require huge amounts of electricity.
In 1933, the TVA was created by Roosevelt for this very purpose.
In 1933, Ernest Livermore patented the first cyclotron for splitting atoms.
The government became involved in producing electricity in 1933, with the massive Tennessee Valley Authority hydroelectric project. Prior to that time, the government never became involved in private enterprise. Even the Morse telegraph did not receive any government funding.
It never occurred to the great genius Nikola Tesla to use his AC to split atoms.
Without massive amounts of electricity, Hiroshima would never have happened.
Insull was indeed the real "Father" of the atomic bomb!!
The legacy of Insull is still with us today . . . as sinister as ever....The George Westinghouse company is mostly involved in nuclear power stations, and is owned by a Japanese company, the Toshiba Group.
The British owned General Electric has annual revenues exceeding 150 billion dollars. It is a vital part of the nuclear weapons industry, and the major player in the military-industrial complex condemned by President Eisenhower.
Most of the revenues of General Electric comes from the inventions of Nikola Tesla: motors, turbines, radio, TV, x-rays, robotics, etc., etc. The HAARP system, which is used to modify the weather in the U.S., was invented by Tesla to make the desert blossom as the rose.